Unpopular Opinions

I am always surprised when I find that this degree of patriotism doesn’t exist for everyone.

This upvoted to the nth.


Seems to be unpopular enough to say…
I believe the CountDankula was way to blown up. All the media coverage and having it go to court was to much of a name and shame.
They should have simply removed the video and given him a warning/fine without making a massive scene of it all by taking it to court.


My cynical view on patriotism/nationalism is that it can very easily progress into a disproportionate sense of jingoism and national superiority. The American ‘we’re number one’ style of pride is a good example.


My cynical take on the matter, was that with rumblings of accusations of anti-sematism within the Scottish government and courts, along with the Labour party, that they were trying to make an example to ‘prove’ there was no anti-sematism within ‘Scotland’.

Misread ftw

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I don’t know the full circumstances so maybe I’m missing something, but Labour doesn’t really have much influence in Scotland, since the majority party is the SNP.

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Prior to SNP forming, Labour was the party of Scotland, a lot of the SNP were former Labour.

Prior to 2015 they were the major party in Scotland, or at least got the largest amount of seats.

I don’t see how that has any bearing on this situation in 2019 though. The SNP haven’t been subject to accusations of anti-Semitism have they? Or if they have, it’s not nearly to the same level as Labour.

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As far as I’m aware (which is just a basic perspective) no, they haven’t. The only remotely scandalous thing tied to them is the case with Alex Salmond going on at the moment.

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At least one MP and a person linked to the party.

Around October, November time.

I agree.

I prefer the icelandic “We are number one”


I agree that it could in theory but unlike the US most other countries have a very long history to get them from getting an inflated sense of self. In that sense USA is a bratty teen. Also shouldn’t be an issue for patriotism as patriotism =/= nationalism.

awkwardly shuffles feet in German

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with taking pride in your country and your heritage; I’ve just never actually met someone in Denmark who cries when they hear the national anthem.

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Hello this is unpopular opinions??

Debatable on that very heritage? I am not that proud that some of my ancestors not that long ago were pro-revolutionist with all the consequences and actions for that, which, as a result, led to a worldwide turmoil in the 20th century.

Remember the heritage and pass it on? Of course. Be proud of it, though? :man_shrugging:

I think this is natural to be honest, one-hundred years from now people will look back on us and – as the kids say – will be all like, yikes. People just need to remember that people are a product of their time. It’s okay to be proud of who you are and where you came from, but overly pooping on or praising your history is a bit nyeeeergh.

Now that is true.

Something something squatting in tracksuit

I understood that reference.

My ancestors sided with the White Guard in the Finnish civil war

commies get out tbqh