Unpopular Opinions

Given that WoD was the best expansion for server campaigns I’m unsure how watertight this belief is…

WoD was still miles ahead of Legion and BFA in terms of enjoyability.

Nor would I argue that the correlation is something like 0.8 or more like 0.5.

Legion was a lot of fun. I enjoyed the content much more than I did WoD. In retrospect there’s a lot I don’t like about the expansion, and how it’s damaged WoW’s narrative and themes (to me), but it was still substantially better than WoD.

WoD was fun because world PvP was based and made for great unrestricted campaigns & because the content/story was so lame, more people were involved in RP which was ace.


I know a few groups doing that, yeah. The smaller groups of the large server RPing amidst themselves seems to be the norm nowadays, and those people have the most fun out of it as I understand. I also know of many people that would call such insular behaviour the direct reason for the worst days this server has ever seen. So who can judge if it’s good or not?

All we can say is that the server’s population and the way we do things were simpler.

I got more kicks out of the Hellblight than the Anima with the Sunreavers/Sun Hawks (sorry) or most of the PvP, tbqh

I’ve been very grudging about admitting that, but I’m starting to believe it. WoD may have had literally half a patch’s worth of content + raids, but it sure as hell felt enjoyable to play.

if I’ve ever heard truth

God tier RP-events:

  1. Legacy of the saurok (WoD)
  2. Song of Soggoth (WoD)
  3. The Hinterlands Hump (WoD)
  4. Arathi plague event (WoD)
  5. The frozen heart 2 (WoD)

Good rp events:
5) Rising Storm (Legion)
6) Storm of Soggoth (legion)
7) Harrowing (Of the three corners). (Legion)
8) Sent to Savannah (Legion)

…The rest you know

Or maybe I’m just a boomer…

Now WoD…That RP was the best.

An expansion that literally had nothing else to offer made for good RP

:thinking: I wonder why…

Ah, right, that’s because it was an abomination that should be forgotten and buried. The only good thing that came from it was some of the music and the updated character models. Sadly I was not around for the RP that time as I quit for the remainder of the expansion.

Although it’s not necessarily the fault of the campaign itself.

Chook made a great one, but it was ruined by some narcissistic attendees.


The same could be said for Drums of War Parts 1 and 2 actually.


As both an observer and participant of a few rp-pvp events & campaigns, mostly observer these days though, for whatever reason, the drama mostly seem to come from Alliance guilds.

So things such as ego drama, ignoring the set campaign rules, arguments, weird rp, controversial events(such as overly needlessly gory executions of the same faction etc), it always seem to be the Alliance guilds. Or atleast, they seem to be the majority in these cases.

I say this as an Alliance rper.


From my own experience attending campaigns, I’ve also found that it’s usually the Alliance guilds that can’t play nicely with themselves, let alone the Horde. There’s always some kind of internal conflict and comparing egos.

And don’t get me started on the war councils…


You forgot Borderlands + Ashes of Draenor.

Those two were lit


I think they were terrible, but the memevalue was great. Much like the Red August

What made Ashes terrible? Aside from some dumb neutrals claiming Telredor to be a neutral settlement instead of an Alliance one, saying that the Naaru told everyone to make it so.

I recall back in MoP, a pvp campaign in Outland, where for like 2 days in a row, us Alliance soldiers(from several guilds) were told we couldnt do anything beyond waiting around at the base, but still needed to be present for numbers sake. All because the big boys were having a war council event and we were to act as background filler if needed.

Then of course was the big thing that only a selected few GM’s were allowed to be in said council or their events.

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It’s happened as recently as DoW in my memory. There was a lot of milling around in Darnassus as a select few guild masters argued inside their council, in order to assign a bunch of High-Titles before it was all eventually scrapped because nobody could even agree with each other about whether even having that council was fair let alone anything else.


Was that the ‘Accord’ thing I vaguely remember hearing about?

Should’ve just egged them on and have them continue arguing until Sylvanas burned the tree down. Being free from the Alliance Accord and its current iteration of morons/bubble would be a public service for this realm.

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I think so. I barely understood what it was or what it was meant to achieve before it was flushed down the toilet.

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Yeah and it was horrible. :smile: :gun:

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