“We have forgotten what makes us strong”
Depends on what you mean by war criminal, I suppose.
But yeah the Horde followed SYlvanas into starting a world war because she claims there will never be peace even though the Horde started every war in the last 30 years.
Considering the Alliance is seemingly about to win (having destroy the Zandalari’s fleet, killed Rastakhan and Baine undermining Sylvanas’ key plan) that’s a good consensus to have!
my characters (except my benevolent cowlady) believe as much
Except that the Alliance started most wars.
First War: Horde
Second War: Horde
Cata/MoP: Horde
BfA: Horde
The only one where we could say Alliance was the first to attack was Stormheim, other than that, it was always Horde.
The reflexive self defence of “we exist becaue of you” and subsequent aggression is complete bunk. Just like Sylvanas’ Bushism of “we have to hit them there before they hit us over here”.
Something something Draenei, something something planets they visit being murked.
Something something Draenei in the Alliance.
Draenei visit a planet, Legion finds the planet, invades it and you see it as act of Alliance aggression?
Let me guess, because draenei and eredar are technically one race, you also blame Alliance for invading Azeroth 10000 years ago.
Well, yes. And the elves ofcourse. Guess who has had the elves in their faction
Horde? (in 10 characters)
Wouldn’t say it was an alliance aggression thing, but the Draenei is actually the cause for the orcs corruption, and in a way, the First War.
Since the draenei caused the Legion to find Draenor to begin with, and they knew the Legion would eventually find them.
This is true for old lore, but since we know that Legion´s plan was to exterminate all worlds (and they mostly succeeded), they would get to Draenor anyway and maybe it would end up far worse than it did (orcs are still a thing, after all).
It could even be argued that without destruction of Draenor and invasion of orcs, Legion wouldn´t fall, because it started chain of events which lead to Sargeras´s imprisonment.
I don’t think the Orcs will see it that way… and even if they would’ve found Draenor, it might’ve been hundreds of years later.
And the Draenei did cause a lot of worlds to be destroyed, even if they would be eventually, the draenei sped it up.
Definitely, but to blame the Alliance for that because draenei are part of it is just stupid.
Granted, it might have been trolling, but there are many Horde fanboys who will go into great lengths to justify their actions or make their faction look like the one who is good while Alliance is bunch of evil warmongers (my most favorite was one person who said that Sylvanas was right about war coming, because, after all, the war came…except they ignored the little thing about Sylvanas starting it).
Yeah, it was never an alliance thing, as they weren’t even part of it until 30-some years later.
And yeah, Sylvanas started a war that wasn’t needed, we could’ve finally have had peace between Horde and Alliance, but nope, Sylvanas must be a dumbutt.
So instead:
BfA: Alliance
Or the Legion just could have not done the whole world destroying thing.
To blame the draenei for the height of the legions exploits is transference of the highest order. Let’s look at a little analogy.
Let’s say there’s a guy. He wants his girlfriend to move in with him. She says no. Turns out he’s a bit psycho and she wants out.
She moves away. He’s a big guy and capable of violence and she’s quite unable to fend him off herself. He follows her. Whilst surprised, she kind of figures he would because he’s a psycho. Nobody else can help her though, so she keeps moving, he keeps tracking her down. Etc.
Each time he finds her, he does the rounds on the residential areas he thinks she is in. Trashing cars, breaking windows etc.
Now if we’re to hold the draenei blame correctly, seems folks her would say that the citizens in this situation are completely justified to blame her for her ex boyfriend trashing their property–in complete ignorance of the fact he did it because “she knew he’s a psycho, so had a responsibility to make sure she moved somewhere else or to confront him herself”.
So my question is in this situation would people really give her moral responsibility for his actions? If not, the. How can the drsenei be culpable for the legions actions. If yes, how can you logically attribute the autonomously determined actions of one person to another simply because the second person is an object of obsession For the first?
Not even gonna read all this, especially not since you’re trying to use real-life logic.
The draenei went to different worlds, and every time they were found, the Legion came and invaded while the draenei escaped, and continued doing this.
They went to planets with other life forms knowing that the Legion might find them again, which they always did.
Their fault for speeding it up.

we could’ve finally have had peace between Horde and Alliance, but nope, Sylvanas must be a dumbutt
World of Peacecraft: Almighty Stagnation, yes, i also wait for that expansion
Theres more types of war than the Faction War.
Did you miss Legion?