How could the draenei have absolved themselves of this responsibility?
join the Legion and give the Legion even more eredar?
kill themselves?
travel only to planets with no life? As in, planets that dont/can’t sustain life? So essentially 2) on a delay then.
endlessly travel the cosmos, a delayed version of 2) again.
I am genuinely interested what people think the draenei “should” have done. If they did the only reasonable thing, then slapping them with a morality hammer seems outrageous.
They had such amazing technology, but they couldn’t keep themselves sustained with it? They could’ve created technology for plants and other things on their ship, if they actually tried.
They could’ve warned the other life (if they were like orcs, y’know, intelligent) ?
Yet why would full-out faction war be ignored, when it was low-key shipped throughout past expansions, when we had to constantly fight some forgotten evil?
Problem is not in the idea, problem is in how it was delivered, as always
Because it’s dull and boring at this point, when its the main thing.
After Legion, there should literally be no reason for a faction war. We keep fighting WITH each other when a big bad comes, why not just ALWAYS do that instead of killing each other for… reasons?!
(many edits later)
First war: Alliance under the influence of demons, guess who opened the portal…
Second War: Horde
Third war: Alliance, Which arthas never actually resigned from to my knowledge.
Cata/MoP: Horde, the frequence of orcs by Garrosh
BfA: Alliance, attacking horde operation in silithus.
The Paladins’ attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed but, I assure you, my resolve has never been stronger!
In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Alliance will be reorganized into the first Undead Scourge for a safe and secure society.
Yeah, but that’s not because of the involved parties but how it was handled by the dev team.
I fondly remember WoD not for the main story but for the Alliance v. Horde rp-pvp campaigns that were hosted as they were completely separate from the expansion’s story. Somehow petty skirmishes and grievances had me more captivated than Orclords of Orcnor drinking the green juice yet again.
I entertain the notion that the introduction of a brand new, shiny, amazing (and obsolete by the time BfA ends) superweapon could have been avoided or restricted to Magni’s storyline and have the faction war be about survival. Claim that the Legion and Sargeras’s sword made 60% of arable lands become feltainted wastelands. Have both factions scramble for resources and have to resort to war to fight over the scraps left from this near-apocalypse instead of farting out endless troops ands supplies. Simply say there’s not enough to share.
Even the Allied Races can be perfectly integrated into this as they can offer their own resources and industry, ultimately used to secure their faction’s existence on Azeroth.
But nope, we gotta have glowing planet goo that can vaguely perform miracles or whatever
Unpopular opinions: Vol’jin, Cairne and Eitrigg are very much to blame for Garrosh’s downfall, second only to Magatha herself who is indirectly behind starting most of the bad stuff that has happened the past expansions. Thrall carries some blame, but not as much as the three first mentioned ones. And extension to the opinion, Garrosh’s different portrayal does not feel like a mess of different writers trying to take him in different directions, but actually feels very natural and makes sense.
If draenei should be blamed for bringing doom upon many worlds sooner than the worlds otherwise would, by bringing the Legion to them, they should also be hailed for saving the same amount, or a higher amount of other worlds by delaying and drawing part of the Legion away for Kil’jaeden’s personal crusade.
Night elves never had any reason to be with the Alliance, and likely shouldn’t be, given how they have nearly never gained anything from them. Only humans they sided with were Jaina’s group at Theramore in the battle for Mount Hyjal; who were not really Alliance at the time. The only aid night elves have recieved from the Alliance has been minimal, it is usually a united front of both Horde and Alliance (Might of Kalimdor) or neutral factions. Even now that they are at full war with the Horde they stand mostly on their own.
It is okay to ignore parts of the lore that Blizzard makes when it makes no sense in the way it is portrayed. Archimonde and Mannroth from WoD are not the same ones as we know from before, even if the Legion ‘transcends time’.
Here’s a possible unpopular opinion, while I do think that writing is quite bad, I also think it could have been done well and worked out good.
But they didnt utilize it. If you are going to use the “its all the same legion guys”, then you should put them against people who have encountered them before. Thrall in wc3 litterally -spoke- to Archimonde in person, why not have them have a conversation or interaction in WoD? Just as a quick example.
I know Vol’jin and Cairne was very against Garrosh, but it was also justified due to his recklessness and general attitude that the Orcs are better than the rest from the very beginning.
It is important to note that at this point he hadn’t really gotten to do anything as Warchief. A group of orcs (from the Twilight’s Hammer or at least sent by Magatha) attacked a neutral druid gathering, and Garrosh got blamed for it. So Cairne -instantly- challenges him without really giving time for explanations or investigation. Garrosh who expected to lose, won, and was soon after threatened by Vol’jin who was very eager to say he hated him and would gladly kill him. It is really only after this that he showed an attitude towards trolls.
As for Eitrigg… yeah, he didn’t do anything. Which is a good point, because Thrall set three wise advisors to guide Garrosh. Cairne, Vol’jin and Eitrigg. One who challenged him for leadership at first suspicioun, one who threatened his life when he had (at this point) not done anything terrible, and one who was absent from the start. Which for an inexperienced leader who didn’t even want to be Warchief, isn’t exactly the best.
Edit: May be important to note that the orcs who killed the druids planted evidence against Garrosh, so Cairne had good reasons to believe it was him. But it was quite reckless from his side to not look further into it first.
Also as far as I recall from Cata, Garrosh did do mostly “good” things from a Horde standpoint. He condemned the use of plague and told Sylvanas to not be miss scourge(Her not following that is her fault, not his). And quite openly executed a high-ranked -orc- officer who was getting out of hand and attacking civilians, who were also nelves among them. (Stonetalon).
He continued the war effort definatly, by allowing an assault on Gilneas, but it was Sylvanas who did the bad decisions there, and he did push further into Ashenvale, but it was alot diffrent than “Let’s burn it all to the ground cus lolz”. It was quite typical to any conflict/war we’ve seen prior in Warcraft.
The faction conflicts were also halted a bit during the times it was most needed, atleast somewhat. During the firelands invasion or Hour of Twillight, it could have been easy to just decide to go all in and attack Alliance areas, but he didnt. Instead there was somewhat of a truce fighting off Ragnaros, and later the twillight’s hammer again.
Maybe unpopular opinion since I haven’t heard others mention it: Dragon Soul raid in Cataclysm is the objectively worst single point that the WoW lore has been at. Especially everything that goes on at the top of the temple. There is something wrong about every single line of text said there. No where else has the story been -that- bad, and they cannot get so without intentionally trying to. We are a good portion above that now, so things are not looking too bad. No matter how the story is, one can run Dragon Soul and realize: “It’s not so bad right now.”