Strong agree. I will huddle in an attic in PUBG with my friend, hiding as gunfire erupts around the house I’m in because I’m too beta to go out and start shooting, and I will like it.
For me, multiplayer games should be played with friends. Won’t catch me solo-queuing, because that’s the most dull thing imaginable.
It was a tweet that got really taken out of context or something. I can’t remember the details, but it was a stretch to start screeching about him being a self-insert to one of the writers. A lazy stick to beat Blizzard with.
It’s almost as if the stormheim incident was no more relevant than Varian’s declaration of war in Wrath which canonically petered out as skirmishes around icecrown, and then Garrosh ordered Gilneas razed to invade Stormwind by sea…
That’s the standard dodge, yes. Tabula rasa upon regime change despite the same old carp continuing to flop around under the hood. Never forget that the forsaken were blight bombing, death camp establishing slavers during Cata and that MUH HONOUR orcs and tauren who suddenly grew a conscience when Sylvanas predictably continued being Sylvanas even as warchief are hypocrites.
If you actually look at all his tweets, he has about 3-4 tweets fanboying over the Forsaken.
He also has dozens upon dozens of tweets also fanboying about Jaina, Umbric, Alleria, the Nightborne… You know, things he wrote. Because he’s a passionate about his job and a fanboy at heart.
He made one nerdy joke about the Dark Mirror story and suddenly everyone screams about Nathanos being a self-insert. There’s genuine things to be concerned about re. Blizzard but this is just grasping at straws.