Unpopular Opinions

On the topic of Garrosh, War Crimes is a good novel as it details Garrosh’s fall in a concise manner and what lead to it. It also summarizes the Cata/MoP war for us and sets precedent for both of the factions’ stance on war crimes and punishment.

Spoiler: Both factions agree unanimously that these are in fact considered war crimes. Their only difference in opinion comes from the punishment – Horde believes in individual punishment, Alliance in collective punishment.

Despite this weird notion that “but it’s pandaren law, not horde/alliance law…” – Taran Zhu explicitly sasses Tyrande out that they’re not following Pandaren law, only honouring its traditions (with the court proceedings).

Both factions state their consent and support of the law being administered to prosecute Garrosh. Garrosh’s trial is our first equivalent of a Geneva Convention in WoW. It sets precedent.


Cata Garrosh was awesome tbh. He was just a victim of bad writing later on. Imagine if we had Cata Garrosh in BFA instead of Sylvanas. We wouldn’t have this Horde vs Horde stuff.


We’d have the Horde symbol carved into Teldrassil and the Night Elves paying a tribute of food and trees instead of what we have right now.


Best raid was AQ 40

Virgin scorched earch vs chad conquest


Even though we intellectuals can say that the Alliance started the war in Stormheim the fact is when playing the Teldrassil attack and talking to Sylvanas she very much presented it as a first strike, and that is because Blizzard writers have extremely poor or at best selective memories.

That’s why our characters are more enlightened than we are, because they can say, “the Alliance started this war,” and Blizzard cannot tell them “NO” but they can tell us, the players, no.

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I mean, can’t deny the fact the Alliance shot first in Stormheim, no question there.
However that incident seems to have at most only caused skirmishes on the Broken Isles between Genn’s primarily worgen force and Sylvanas’ primarily Forsaken force, skirmishes like in ye olde days of Vanilla.

It only escalated into a full-scale war after the Horde invaded Ashenvale. In A Good War, the Horde soldiers were -surprised- that they were heading to Ashenvale to conquer the elven lands. And Sylvanas and Saurfang in that story do not speak as if they are at war -yet- when they first discuss the possibility. They speak of having fought side-by-side against the Legion together.

Soo, argue it how you want, Alliance shot first in Stormheim yes, but it only became a full-scale war when the Horde invaded Ashenvale.

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Never forget alliance attacking poor goblin miners in silithus

Pest control, else they would’ve attracted the bugs :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably they should have at the very least let people know that “BTW we’re being chased by an interdimensional army that will surely come here.”

But alas.

They didn’t.


Dragon Soul was a panicked rushed job, as was most of the last part of Cata, the reason being was they had grossly underestimated the resource cost for the whole expansion with the 1-60 revamp.

4.3 was initially going to be a “War of the Ancients” raid - which you can still see part of in Well of Eternity. But 4.2 had already ran for almost 6 months by then (back when mid-expansion raid tiers were generally shorter.)

Combined with the fact they had to scrap the Abyssal Maw raid which was the -original- 4.2 raid (Firelands was intended to be the 4.1 raid) meant they had to kick development time into overdrive which resulted in the sloppy storytelling we got with 4.3

Even then though I can accept the 9 months of 4.3 we had over the completely insane 14 months of Siege of Orgrimmar we had. At least Lich King was broken up with Ruby Sanctum halfway in.

People are quite quick to forget this, while you can argue that “it gives Windrunner justification for war” it’s not -that- valid and doesn’t really come into her own reasoning for starting it. Ultimately she wishes to turn the entirety of humanity undead and raze Stormwind. From the outset this is a war of genocide, the end goal is the utter annihilation of another civilisation.


Naturally, the former Alliance ally has the notion to comment on these public forums of discussion that the Horde’s wartime motive is evil and we’re genocidal.

Typical blood elf beta poster. :cow:


The Horde isn’t genocidal. Its current Warchief™ is.

my eyes are on you traitor …

Man wants two things in life.

A quiet spiced rum on a hot, secluded beach. Watching the sun sink into the sea and the moon take its place.

And the factions to disintegrate so the true highborne empire can be reborn (read: belf and nborne).


New unpopular opinion; I think it’s ok to be bad at multiplayer games.

I mean sure you shouldn’t be going into ranked matches or w/e, but I see nothing wrong with someone just being plain bad or not that great at a competitive game such as For Honor, HotS, Overwatch, CoD or even Wow’s PvP, so long as they aren’t actively griefing.


Total agree.

I come and go with hots and my play is variable. Couple of hours ago I dipped my toes again since the rework. Had a few games where I was on fire, couple where I was messing up my skillshots a bit.

Nobody was toxic though and that’s what I like. Each match had a gg in the lobby. I remember my LOL days and such was a rarity there. The idea of “just being bad” or inexperienced is anathema to the lol community. Even in unranked.

It’s like you looked into my soul and plucked out a tiny gem, then made it manifest with words.

A shame it’s raining in Bahrain.

Why is it raining in Bahrain!? Why is all the rum gone!?