Unpopular Opinions

That’s probably what I would do, in a way.

Easier to have my own mentality, but I would also change it a bit to suit the race I’m playing.

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You often spot it by how they react to criticism, how regularly they refer to this character as ‘I/me’ as though they are part of their own personality, and how all the character’s interests are directly equal to their own.

Or in short, because it’s a void elf EYOOO


Oh god.

Lets lock those people up.

If you are refering to Dankula…that was meant to mock his ex-wife.

These people also usually struggle greatly with losing in RP and tend to have strange or unusual traits for no other reason than to be more special. Overall they tend to be ‘sinkholes’ of plot where they are all too happy to draw attention to themselves but far more loath to give others fuel for development (other than beating them in combat of course).

Other common signs include anime inspiration, IC arrogance and boasting, and recklessness (often mentioned as the character’s ‘flaw’) which usually just ends up with the character getting a bunch of kills without any real drawback.

Kul Tiran are tall dwarves
Pandaren are Kul Tiran with fur
Dwarves are Pandaren with their fur gathered in their beard or hair


Come to think of it I have self inserted once, vaguely, when I made one of my characters a teacher of a similar subject realm to me. His personality was quite different from mine however, and ye was very much the “teacher I’d like to be if I had endless time for people”. Cheesy perhaps, but i think certain low levels of insertion like this can be good as it can help to explore a concept you’re familiar with. Self inserts where the matter is clearly OOC is something else.

We all self insert at some point in our RP characters.
The best and more believeable characters are those who have some bits of your personal story or past.

However due to the “Super Hero” syndrom in a fantasy universe, people don’t wanna do the downsides as well which leads to a Mary/Gary Stu with an inflated ego when you are challenged or the spotlight is taken away from them.

Just like everything, things must be balanced, or else you’ll push people away from you.

people who get offended on behalf of others are one of the worst types of (normal) people


Yeah, I never get offended because ‘‘others might take offense!’’, I can, however, put myself in their shoes and see that it might offend someone.

Pfft, what do I care.

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The ‘back’ and ‘head’ slot should include more than just cloaks and helmets, characters would look more interesting if you could wear things like backpacks, equipment, etc. Most cloak models are ugly.


It’s called “empathy” and it might be a new concept for some people.


It doesn’t necessarily mean a person playing their fantasy ideal self. It can just as well be their beloved donut steel OC but the distinction really strikes when players treat offenses to their character as assaults on their person. They can never lose, and being criticised in the mildest manner means you’ve got an enemy for life as OOC politics mode engages to destroy the opposition in “self defence”.

Consider this when RPing with certain characters and mind the eggshells at your feet lest you get swatted or some equivalent.

Worth elaborating upon, but typically, Anime Protagonist Syndrome involves amazing combat/magical aptitude at a young age, unusual eye colours, broodiness and irrepressible Japanese Spirit.


Heroism measured by body count, distressingly common with orcs due to their PvP meta Honour grind social order.

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You can get + toggle one of these via the redridge questchain for Alliance at least so long as you start and then never complete one of the bravo company quests, but apart from that gimmick we’re sorely lacking in what could be a cool feature.

A self insert is what some people call a character they don’t like.


They don’t like the character because it’s a self insert.


Not gonna show empathy for someone who gets offended by jokes etc.

You don’t have to find the joke funny, but don’t dare be a buzzkill for those who actually did find it funny. Unless someone tells you to stop (if it’s in a guild) because they don’t feel comfortable with it, then you should stop it and keep it in a party/whisper.


OT: Baine reacting as he did to the Derek situation makes total sense and people claiming it’s “weird” or “He’s being Alliance bias!” don’t understand the full context.

Consider the following:

  • Way, way back in classic the tauren, namely Cairne, implored Thrall to let the forsaken join the Horde out of pity and empathy. At this point forsaken were outcasts being villified by the Alliance, something that most of the Horde at the time were also able to empathise with.

  • While the forsaken have never been a pure and just race, there was an overall idea that they largely just wanted to be allowed to exist as a people. They weren’t especially aggressive until Wrath-Cata. Speaking of…

  • The forsaken always had one, defining rule. One sacred line that by their very being they refused to cross, lest they become like the scourge: Never remove a forsaken’s free will. (It’s even in their racials!) And always ask on their raising “Do you want to serve the Horde, or be put back in the grave?” This was upheld from Classic-Wrath, but as Sylvanas was pressed into being an aggressor by Garrosh she grew increasingly brazen with raising the dead. True, in the initial forsaken starting area nowadays you still see this. But as soon as you get near the warzones, you see forsaken being raised left, right and centre with no time being allowed to ask if they wish to remain as they are or be put back down. Many times we see Alliance soldiers being killed and then being raised to turn on their allies before their corpses even grow cold. Even Garrosh was appalled. This is the start of a slippery slope.

  • Fast forward to BfA: Sylvanas has started raising even more dead on a whim, including fallen Horde soldiers. At least in the past this was reserved for her enemies, but raising the dead of several races who are extremely inclined to respect death? Big oof. On top of that she has also openly violated the one moral code the forsaken have by openly stating her plan to brainwash Derek and strip him of his free will. Turning him into a walking weapon. Not unlike the Scourge.

Now consider this. Baine has not been present for most of the above, but he has no doubt heard of it. But he could not be there to act on it himself. Sure it’s a bit disappointing that Baine has yet to comment on Teldrassil or what happened at the Undercity, but in both cases he was not there to witness it going down, and I think we can all agree Blizzard has a bad habit of not giving a character an opinion on something unless they personally saw it (Until a book comes out anyway).

He’s seen how his dad pitied the forsaken, maybe he did too. But then they start acting like the very monsters they claimed not to be, and Sylvanas starts resorting to breaching their own moral code just to gain an advantage. For once though, he’s there, and he’s able to act on it. So he does. Sylvanas was adamant in going forward with the plan, so he took the only plausible action: Going behind her back to free him. Challenge her to a mok’gora? Well either she kills him with banshee powers and now his people are without a leader, or he wins and the entire Horde is thrown into chaos due to a sudden change in leadership and there’s a risk people might believe that he was hungry for power. It would be a lose-lose situation. Plus, y’know, his dad was killed doing the same.

As an added bonus, people forget he actually holds a friendship with Jaina. He knows Derek is her brother and he knows it will only end horribly if Sylvanas’ plan was allowed to proceed, regardless of whether it succeeded or failed. (And let’s be frank, Jaina has plot armour, at best Derek kills off her mom and then you have a pissed Jaina. Or alternatively she blows up her own brother on the spot as soon as she sees what he is, we saw how she acted in the cinematic, she only backed down because Baine was there and Derek explained the situation. GG Sylvanas, great job. Master cunning plan right there).

Frankly, at first I was a bit puzzled as to why the plight of a human bothered Baine. But after some thought it dawned on me: It’s not a human’s plight, it’s a forsaken. Derek is a forsaken now, and Sylvanas was on the cusp of completely destroying his mind for the sake of an incredibly iffy plan that would only prolong the war and cause even more bloodshed. Something Baine is actively trying to mitigate and has been for literally years. It would be out of character if he didn’t react as he did.

And in the mess that has been BfA’s writing it’s the one thing to me that makes complete sense, and it irks me when people gloss over all the details leading up to this moment because they blatantly know jack all about who Baine is or what his motivations are, what they have been since Cataclysm. It’s not about him betraying the Horde or helping the Alliance, it’s about trying to bring the war to a clean conclusion with as little pain as possible on both sides. Something that is admirable, if extremely difficult particularly with the resulting imprisonment.

On the upside, Baine is one of Golden’s favourite characters so I don’t think we’ve seen the last of him. Far from it. My fingers are crossed he continues being active. For years he’s had a spine made of rubber, and it seems he finally has decided to be an active character instead of a passive one.


I still don’t get why everyone is saying he should have just challenged her. Sylvanas is near immune to physical damage because reasons, plus she can turn incorporeal, fly, shoot…

What would be the point in challenging that as a dude with a club?

I feel like those people just dislike Baine in general and having him try a mak’gora would be a convenient and reliable way to kill him off.

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And the fact that Sylvanas wouldn’t actually fight fair, as she doesn’t give a darn about the taurens/orcs traditions.

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