Unpopular Opinions

Baine is however a tauren rogue. In the recent quests he picks locks and uses grappling hooks.

It’d be hilarious if in the duel Sylvanas excepts him to charge but instead he shadowsteps behind her.

“Omae wa mou shindeiru” “NANI?!”

But srs: I have always quietly hoped he’s actually a Sunwalker, but we have yet to see evidence of that.

Pre-BfA he could probably snap Sylvanas in half, in War Crimes he grabs her arm and she realises he could rip her apart. She genuinely feared for a moment that he would and is very capable of beating her in a fight. And contrary to popular belief, big guys are not slower (See: Warrior charge, die by the sword, heroic leap, intercept, etc) and realistically he could absolutely catch her during her many fancy anime elf flips and plant a Sylvanas tree in the ground.

But now she suddenly can turn into a ghost and f***ing FLY because raisins that’s no longer the case. Thanks Blizzard.

Baine V Sylvanas cinematic leaked


Draenei aren’t similar to goats

Unpopular opinion


We have in’game circumstances of them being mocked for being squid like by blood elves. I’ll check when i’m done with work.

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Their legs are, but that’s about it.

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And horns.

Obscure power creeps for certain characters is far too rampant this expansion. Makes me wonder why we bother with armies anymore when we can just send the angry superwomen in to fight each other instead.

Some characters are strangely suppressed instead. Malfurion is supposed to be massively powerful and has been for a long time, but it does not really come across in the game. Thalyssra being really scared of Jaina in the Stormwind scenario was also something I noticed - Jaina is indeed extremely powerful but I feel like Thalyssra should be one of the people able to rival her.


You’d think that but sadly Thalyssra doesn’t have protagonist status thus her 1000s of years experience means sweet FA compared to the likes of Godqueen Proudmoore.

As for Malfurion? I don’t know anymore. He’s powerful until he isn’t I guess.


My best guess is that Jaina having a staff with the power of the Thunder King within it is what really turns that fight on its head.

For some reason I am reminded of LotR, where Sauron had a piece of each of the Valar’s power, and Gandalf had only one, which is why it was so completely unfeasible for Gandalf to just go and take him on despite them being the same type of being. The staff of Antonidas provides a similar advantage I suppose.

Human potential™. To be fair, we’ve not really seen any elven mage (beyond antagonists such as Kael, Telestra and Elisande go full 100%.

Related seemingly unpopular opinion: I really like Jaina. Probably one of my favourite characters in the current setting, a setting running thin of such characters.

Getting such a big slice of the story cake has helped her there, to be sure, but ultimately that is not the character’s fault, just Blizzard being unable to tell stories efficiently.


That actually reminds me, what came of the Anima batteries or whatever they were? They just seemed so inconsequential comparied to the staff that I completely forgot the Blood Elves were supposed to have that.

I thought they were surprisingly well acknowledged. You see anima golems used by them in Talador and also Suramar if I am not wrong. They seem to have become a staple of blood elf military operations, at least in key areas.

Anima golems have seemingly replaced their usual golems for the most part, they’ve p much gone wherever they’ve gone (the blood elves) ever since and seem to be used alongside Blood Knights especially.

Edit: Nazmir hijinks.


They even show up in warfronts when Liadrin is the target, don’t they?

They really were thorough.

I don’t know, every time she shows up i go bright red and tears stream form my eyes and it gets really hard to see because the NPCs get the cool black/red version of this set and ao;sdnlanksd,kawlkdmlkasdsa fu blizzard :frowning:


Fair enough, I’m actually glad to know that now. The golem thing not the Liadrin thing, can’t stand that character. That might be unpopular or not but urgh.

I agree with that one. She’s really gone down the drain of late. ‘Darkness cannot abide within the Light’ while serving the forsaken?

Like the player character: Titanslayer, Saviour of Azeroth, the Champion of the Frozen Wastes, and the Hand of A’dal himself.

We’re extremely powerful. But oh nvm parrot guano ahahaha so funny really deadly :ok_hand: freehold is a real challenge for mi champion of the universe



Someone high up at Blizzard really likes poop-related jokes, there is always one minor storyline, quest, boss etc that involves it in every expansion, with the whole pun/joke being “its :poop:, hahaha!”