Unpopular Opinions

The entirety of Warlords of Draenor felt like the Timeless Isle patch.

I liked 90% of MoP. It just took a nose dive once we got back to the main continent and started playing full Horde-Alliance war again. But Blizzard has always been better at new/small stories rather than big factional conflicts. I think BfA is the same - the war campaign is the weakest link for me in terms of narrative. All that forced conflict.

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I played neutral characters and pro-war characters during (and after) MoP, and personally I think the expansion hit the key notes for enjoying it from both perspectives.

Between the world building, patch story (sans 5.3, but from an RP perspective it lead to a lot of fun tension) and the novels, MoP is by far my favourite expansion if we take the nostalgia-coloured glasses off from Wrath when I started.

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Very possible, I’m definitely in favour of long term consistently-scaled conflict rather than Baddies of the Week that are on rampantly varying power levels.

Next time on Blizzardball Z!


Idk man. Pandaren being carefree as they are is really cool when you look into the reasons for it. They learned how to live in a way that kept the Sha away until that balance was ruined by the arrival of outsiders. Something Taran Zhu saw and reacted against (albeit poorly) since it’s his job to keep Pandaria safe.

His later interactions with outsiders soften him up and make him pretty cool (Shadows of the Horde book is great). But anyway, as much as I love joining in on the train and laugh at Pandaren… they’re pretty cool in reality.


End of the day, personal preference is a thing. For me, no amount of well-hidden depth can excuse a completely uninteresting exterior.

What did I start omg.

WoD was so dark and stuff. Pandaria was just “CHIIIIIIIIIII” and peace and some war in it wit emotions and I hated it 8( Everything about Pandaria… hated.

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What version of MoP did you play?

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sounds similar to the version I played, where the first impression was awful and that taste never quite wore off



Yeah, WoD were indeed dark times for WoW. (sorry I couldn’t resist)

This comment makes me sad but I’m liking it anyway, because I always feel like I’m a jerk with you. Plus I received a sweet message so I’m in a good mood, lmao.


You wouldn’t get it!

It’s nuanced.

End of the day, the likefarm is what matters most.

It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.


The Sha were darker than anything in WoD aside from maybe Cho’gall’s spooky orcs

Pandaren are literally a better race than tauren.


Yeah tauren’s exterior is pretty lame they’re just big hippy cows lmao


And Shadow council, Nerzhul’s void stuff and Legion :slight_smile:

But well, i liked Sha

Don’t forget, if you don’t like hippy cows you have a whole second option to pick from - Coldsteel the Edgebull!

Totally a better race than pandaren who have a whole continent and expansion dedicated to it, plus an extra island on top.

But on a serious note. Most races are bland/boring/egh until you actually dig deeper into their lore. Shrugging off one race because pAnDaS is :zzz:


Even knowin Panda lore I still hate them D:<