ok im cutting you for that one
Heresy in ten characters.
There has never been a thing more deserving of a damn paddlin’ than this sentence.
I hate that I have to agree with you on this. Seriously, I don’t see why people are hype for MoP.
The chinasiapanesean aesthetic is odd, the race is a joke, monks get all the lore of ‘inner balance makes u punch good’, the Sha don’t seem to have any clear motivation or origin other than 'haha we iz evil ', Anduin doesn’t die, and Vol’jin should’ve died because then at least he’d have died to someone with a name rather than just Felguard#5234924723.
I wish MoP was like Journey To The West so I could troll the Pandaren equivalent of Heaven.
Do I really need to elaborate on Pandaren being a meme race at best
Yes because aside from the language they’re pretty alright.
I’ll give an honest overview since we’re on this topic and I kind of want to just shoot Vaxir but hey. I’m a reasonable genderkin.
MoP while initially looking like more of a joke to me, (and let’s face it, the lore was poop) was surprisingly well constructed in the way it initially handled its patches and story telling. The zones were very nice, the aesthetic was gorgeous, the music was on point and the lore up until just before the end of IoT wasn’t complete garbage.
I loved the progression through the zones and I loved how professions felt relevant during the whole expansion. Fun activities involved hunting Zandalari Warbringers, jumping off of the mountain to kill that Onyx Dragon, visiting Ondaasta, … heck, just general exploration was pretty cool especially in regards to rares, elites and treasures.
I also kind of wish Anduin had died after being smashed into that bell.
Another great thing about MoP was how they handled Garrosh right up until the SoO. He was the Orc war boss I always wanted to see ruling over the Horde and if the writing team was any good, he’d still be the war-chief right now, only he’d be smarter, more cunning, less racist, etc. If they had taken the time to develop him, we could have had a true three dimensional orc warmonger who isn’t a moron at the same time.
I think what ruined WoD for me was how often I felt glued to my garrison, which ever really ‘felt’ like -MY- garrison because they all look the same with different buildings. The gross lack of customisation ruined that whole experience for me. The zone stories weren’t something I found compelling and were a different kind of ‘out of place’ than Pandaria. It was like watching a very poor attempt at lore revisionism where for some reason I have an excuse to be there participating.
Might’ve made more sense if the events of WoD revolved around having to time travel to combat the efforts of the infinite dragon-flight or some other bollocks.
Some of the dungeons were neat’o … hm. Draenor was pretty but not really anything new? Honestly just felt like an irrelevant expansion to me on the whole.
Legion more than made up for it.
Something I also forgot to add is that in Pandaria, while your character is representing the Horde or Alliance, I still felt they were more of a ‘stranger in a strange land’ scenario, as opposed to ‘look it’s commander shephard and he’s here to save us’ experience I got in WoD. It was pretty nifty at first but I hated it after a while.
Pandaren have had roots as far back as WC3, and were going to be a race in TBC before getting swapped for draenei. On a surface level they’re light-hearted but like existing light hearted races they have a deeper side, even outright dark at times per many quests featuring them being enraged, saddened or downright depressed. I’d hardly call them a meme race unless you want to put dwarves, gnomes, vulpera and goblins in that same category, as they all have a light-hearted surface but genuine depth if you look past that.
Don’t the Sha have the origin of being spawned once Y’shaarj was slain or something similar to that?
They, much like the entirety of their expansion, clash in aesthetics with literally everything else, and are nothing more than a variety of asian/chinese/whathaveyouIcan’ttellthemallapart stereotypes. The only ones with personality beyond just “I like eat/drink” or Taran “grr i no like outsider” Zhu are Cho and Chen, and that kid that travels with Chen but in reality if one is lacking the other is incomplete. They need each other to be a single functional character.
I hate how Anduin basically gets away 100% free with singlehandedly rushing into a huge Horde gathering, in front of the champion of the Horde and big man Hellscream himself, and easily, instantly destroying the thing that the entire Horde campaign was about.
It’s just poor writing, at least have some trashmobs with him that die, something, anything.
I do. Though dwarves and goblins not as badly as the others, unless they’re in the hands of RPers.
I have no clue. I’ve looked around, but never once saw anything on their origin, they were just kinda a thing.
Speaking of meme race.
Tauren = N.A.T.U.R.E
Yeah but it was pretty lazy writing.
Funny thought just occured to me too but with the amount of different races in Pandaria, they could have done an FFXIV scenario. Imagine it.
“Hero, the Hozen are trying to summon their monkey king god. Go deal with it.”
“Hero, the Jinyu are summoning fish monster god fifty two, go and make sushi out of it.”
etc… Idk.
I really hated this direction they took, it’s good but it feels really out of place with a MMO where this other player next to you is also Commander Shepard.
they unironically call you a danger noodle in one of the quests and lick your face in another
there’s not much of an argument
- boops ur snoot * x3
As i know the 7 main Shaa actually came from 7 heads of Y’shaarj actually
And killing Y’shaarj unleashed the Sha
Taran Zhu has to be in my top five of hated characters in this game tbh. The way he gargles faux-philosophy at the player character every two seconds about how we’re bringing imbalance and ruining anything with precisely 0% of the context is annoying af. His whole “violence solves nothing” mantra didn’t really stick when we managed to kill the Sha, who we summoned with our negative vibes bro, with more violence.
MoP’s “Escalation” patch has to be one of the worst in living memory too. Not as bad as WoD’s social features & music box patch but still
I kinda agree there, I didn’t enjoy it much either, but overall I feel like pandaria is a “hit or miss” expansion. It’s curious and I doubt it, but I wonder if neutral-aligned players liked it more than those that are pro faction war?