Hard to call any because Blizzard has done such a bad job with a lot of things they united us under the single banner of “oh my god how could you screw up this badly”
The factions should be removed and war mode should just be a free-for-all where the only people you can’t attack are the ones in your party.
BGs can just have a mix of all the races on each side.
So basically a battle-royale mmo?
Bohemian Rhapsody is a terrible song.
Yeah, why not.
Except, you can quest and the zone doesn’t progressively get smaller forcing you to fight each other.
You are the worst Orc ever, but it doesn’t even matter…
…toooo meeee…
The MCU has become played out and dull. In fact, no more superhero movies.
Cinematic Universes are mere corporate trite to cash in on the big bucks with little to no creative integrity behind the producers of the content in question. It’s literally an excuse to have a sloppily tacked together premise for products that have actually little worth on their own.
I would go as far to say they’re a betrayal of the source material and should be boycotted.
Even though I enjoyed Warcraft movie, Duncan Jones was absolutely terrible choice for director/screenwriter and if it made enough money to get a sequel, we would get absolutely terrible story which would not follow on any character from first movie and would be basically about Thrall instead of logical follow-up to First War, a.k.a. Second War.
And this is all because he is fan of the setting, game and characters, but is not fan of the lore when everything else is stripped away from it. That´s why he wanted to go for stories that he found interesting and keep the spirit of WoW rather than what would make sense: Adapting The Last Guardian, with timeline extended to fall of Stormwind, where orcs besides Garona are portrayed as evil.
Female Blood Elf characters need bigger balloons,
spine snapping huge isn’t good enough anymore.
Hint: Sarcasm.
Trump is an absolute unit and a great president.
Well, as long as he won’t focus on his view of vaccines and global warming, he’s a bloody moron in that regard
When i fly around orgrimmar and silently judge people’s profiles, I keep getting disappointed, in almost every single profile there’s something so damn stupid
NB have no place in the Horde
(and VE should not exist)
HM Tauren don’t look good, the antlers look stupid and the fourth Taurahe race would’ve been better off based on the spiral-horned antelope
It still happens.
allied races are a massive mistake and will probably one of the nails in WoW’s coffin.
These options should’ve indeed simply been added to the basic race’s customization options
Not sure how much harm this does tho
I was really hype for them on announcement, but their implementation is beyond bad game design. Especially the whole: “Hey. Go do outdated content that won’t reward you with anything in order to grind rep for these races you bought the PRESENT expansion for!”
The beatles were actaully a trash band .