Unpopular Opinions

Pink Floyd is quite stale.


Unpopular opinion huh. Alright then.

War-crimes and prisoner-executions during campaigns are usually only done for cheap shock-value instead of advancing a story.


Guilds that make the law shouldn’t be a thing. Guard NPCs exist for a reason and said guilds almost always do it wrong ( be it some random Sergeant being a judge, or doing things that would not fly in the city, like beat up prisoners )


YOU ARE… Correct.


It really is, sorry.

There is nothing creepier to me than seeing a shrunk-down model of a fully matured character wandering around, acting like a child. Even worse, is that it’s always that painfully stereotypical ‘bubbly, sickeningly cutesie’ kind of child personality attached to it.

The optimist in me thinks, “Why would people want to play as a child in a game where you can roleplay as a fully grown, powerful and fantastical warrior?”

The pessimist in me thinks, “This is definitely being played out for really creepy purposes, isn’t it?”


Doesn’t look like an unpopular opinion to me, -1

The prevalence of massive guilds with multiple branches setting the standard for RP (inadvertently anyway) and bullying people they don’t like is worse for RP on the long run than edgelords milling about Stormwind.


Fixed it for you.


Uh oh spaghettios.

People shouldn’t rp cross-race romances as often and characters shouldn’t just accept it straight away. Especially not ancient races such as draenei or night elves who are long-lived and a proud people.
They’re rare. Treat them as such.

Oh and then it’s about half-breeds, too.
Don’t create half-breeds as often, they’re rare and oh god on’t cross questionable races with one another, it’ll just make it worse for the offspring.

Oh and pls don’t rp draenei women with male genitalia. We already don’t birth a lot of children. Don’t make my race go extinct, ty. :smiley:


My unpopular opinion is that it is OK to name and shame ERPers.


My unpopular opinion is that it is sickeningly easy to stage an ERPer by going on another server, creating characters with the same names and copying their TRP, then making screenshots of a few emotes or whispers.
Only takes two accounts, or two to three people to set a scene up.

It’s also sickeningly easy to just register on these websites like f-list and create a profile with the name of someone I don’t like, then link it on a forum thread.
Well known public ERPers will be well known, but someone being ‘exposed’ is highly fishy and easy as hell to stage, and thus not very credible.
Especially if it’s someone who doesn’t go around publically sexting strangers, since that’s just creepy.


New unpopular opinion.

Not every thread needs to be about the same 3 topics

1 Like

Whats doxxing? :S

Perhaps and seemingly unpopular…


Actually we should try communicating with eachother and undertake affermative action.
OOC bullying/grief and other rule breaking behavior should be

  1. screened
    2.ticketed to blizzard
    3.guild’s gm or officer should be informed as people can still act on their own volition

God emoting/erp/ dubious child RP

  1. Screen it
  2. Report/Call out on spot/mock on spot
  3. Report to perpetrator’s guild officer/gm

Dont take it to the forums, keep it ingame.
Our abhorrent behavior will only cause more drama this way and is unnecessary and time consuming and also will attract trolls, more drama and more hostility… how about we get our heads together and try to build something great.


I agree. My opinion’s mostly due to grudges and grievances but that doesn’t mean I don’t see the drawbacks, I simply like the results when the person called out for it is justified.

Humans are boring.


ERP is not as damaging as people make it up to be.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to walk in to people making random ERP emotes, buuut it’s not like it brings the server down anymore than the other drama we love to create.


… RP-PvP is garbage and plays a large role in the quality-vacuum we’re currently facing, where more people expect events to be large-scale Horde on Alliance confrontations, instead of DM’d five-man groups based on rich, rewarding plot lines. As a result, less role-players are showing initiative because they believe events have to be these huge, unrealistic campaigns, instead of small-scale impromptu plot-lines that can be initiated anytime, anywhere.

… Draenei women are obnoxious, unattractive in terms of role-playing prospects, unattractive in their design, and badly overdone.

… The possibility of umbrella guilds encourages bad habits in World of Warcraft role-play. – If guilds on role-play servers were more like small groups/posses and capped at 5-20 players, there’d be a lot more variation to what’s on offer in Stormwind (amongst other places).

As soon as you limit the amount of people that can fit into a group, then that group has to start thinking hard about how to justify the space. The quality of role-play goes up. Groups are divided – so they’re more likely to form rivalries, competition is encouraged, diplomacy and building alliances becomes not only a thing, but a necessity. You can no longer depend on the 80+ people in your guild for everything to be handed to you on a platter. Most importantly, each group wants to have its own identity, idea and individuality, therefore the environment they’re role-playing in gains a working infrastructure (smithies, stores, taverns, resturants, mercenary barracks’, fisherman huts, thieves guilds).

The issue with having super-groups is that people get lazy. It gets to eight o’ clock and everybody glances at the Officer for something to do. It’s so sad.

… Also, nobody needs thirty people online to successfully run a rewarding event. Has anyone ever been to an event with over 20+ people in it where everyone emotes a paragraph each, per action turn? It’s f***ed! No wonder D&D sits at 5 participants.

– Here’s a joke I just thought of: … Want to know what they call an event with 30+ people in it? RP-PvP.


I don’t know about that (and yes, Unpopular opinions thread ik ik) but the fact that I got bullied into gay belf ERP back when I was 11 (yeah that’s right, I was a wild child who played below the PEGI rating) is something that doesn’t sit right. This was back during my time in The Sha’tar and thankfully I don’t think the guy who did it migrated to AD, though that’s simply since I can’t remember the character’s name.

Regardless, being told that “Everyone does it and I won’t RP with you and neither will my friends if you don’t” and then having to take part in something I barely understood has always left a shameful feeling in the back of my head that ruins any enjoyment I had from memories when I first started RPing.