Actually it’s a majority of individuals ruining RP for others are in fact other roleplayers. It’s hilarious watching people try pin the server’s ills on pvpers, raiders or off-realmers.
Neither of those groups actually go about trying to not only bully roleplayers away from doing what they want to do nor do they go about attempting to extract personal details about other roleplayers they dislike in order to shame or otherwise cause distress to them (ie doxxing).
I was once given essentially that same phrase (almost word for word) from a Big Brand Roleplayer™ with the implicit threat that they were going to try disrupt an RP event I was hosting for friends because they had essentially invited themselves.
I can say that they were originally a bigshot Alliance roleplayer who eventually went onto Horde after people were tired of their antics - they are still reasonably a busy body on Horde as well. Highly intolerant of criticism.
It’s the worst. I absolutely adore tension and conflict in roleplay, but when people take even the smallest slight against their character as an OOC, personal attack, it really kills it for me. I had to abandon my old, more aggressive, mains because it got so tiring to constantly see people upset due to my character’s perfectly IC actions and grudges. I remember once whispering someone to thank them for a terse confrontation in roleplay, only to be met with ‘X is ignoring you’.
This is why I want more people to use the [Language here] prefix instead of the language. So you at least can feel a little included even if it’s not IC.
And now when we even have a prefix addon I see no reason NOT to do it.
I’m not sure what you’re talking about, my post was clearly speaking of Silevun of Dpire Zivision Sero, never heard of no Vilesun of Spire Division Zero.
I think Baine’s actions (or inaction) is somewhat logical even in 8.1.
He’s a diplomatic character more than a warrior, which is always hard to portray in a video game. Let alone an MMO.
I know I’ve whinged about him in the past, but giving it some thought, it makes sense for him to try and seek routes that would minimise further loss of life on both sides. In 8.1, without spoiling too much, he says some things after the events of the raid that ruffled a few feathers but I think his mindset is perfectly sensible and realistic, without being all MUH HONUR or MUH GENOCIDE about it.
Baine wants the Horde to survive, a bit hard to do that when half of it wants to do suicide charges for a vague concept that changes with the wind, and the other is doing everything it can to piss off and alienate both enemies and allies alike whilst spitting on the former half.
Stop fighting, you two. Everyone’s always talking about “Making this community better” but you never put it into action. Stop fighting and just turn the other cheek.