Unpopular Opinions

I have to disagree. It’s good to have all the vanilla crowd placed in the classic server/s so that they don’t continue ruining the current game with their silly requests.


But the argument will always be “ITS NOT REAL CLASSIC”, because contrary to popular belief, vanilla WoW was actually pretty awful in design. Nostalgia is a powerful drug on the mind, and most Vanillarians will not last the first 6 weeks of the game.

It will be a waste of Blizzard time and resouces - that could have been better spent on NOT making BFA a bit of a half-cooked loaf of bread.


thankyou for wording it like that, I was struggling to get this very point across.

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You both heavily underestimate the nostalgia of these people. They will either stay on classic servers or will be disillusioned and see that the old , grindy ways are best left behind. Either way it’s a win.

Blizzard wouldn’t do this if they didn’t think it was profitable and we can safely assume that at this point the state of the game is hardly due to lack of resources and manpower available but due to arrogance, laziness and complete disconnection with the playerbase.


Overwatch/Hearthstone/Heroes of the Storm were waste of Blizzard´s resources that could have been better spent on NOT making WoD a bit of a half-cooked loaf of bread.

Classic and BfA are two different games made by two different developer teams.

Forgetting who is puppetmastering Blizzard now. Activision is all about the optics, if it looks good they will go through with it, even if it’s actually an atrocious decision from both a design philosophy point or business point.

Activision sniffs that Blizzard’s losing subs and revenue, sees popular (but very vocal minority in reality) opinions about wanting vanilla WoW. Corporate hacks shut down Elysium and shanghai Blizzard devs into producing a Big Brand™ rehashed version of the original core game, believing it to be actually profitable while still demanding an expansion every two years.

Which has been exacerbated by their status of becoming a subsidiary vassal to the big corporate overlord, not simply a partnership.

I agree 100%.

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I see sarcasm is not a concept you understand.

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Maybe on Alliance : )


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People who think Duskwood/Stormwind are hopeless places are usually just as terrible as the people they’re roasting

Having to ask for OOC permission is incredibly boring, unless it revolves around direct character death


“Those dumb Stormwind players wouldn’t know what good RP was if it walked past them with romance: yes in its TRP”

smells own farts


I have no quarrel with you

I now have a quarrel with you.

Not as much of an unpopular opinion as it is something people dont take consideration of, but:
Goldshire with Warmode on is not an ERP-fest


This is true, but even without seeing them, their spiritual presence makes the town reek.

Unpopular opinions, I certainly have some. Let’s see… please take me with a grain of salt though, it’s all in good spirit!

  • BFA is actually a decent expansion and most of the hate is just internet bandwagoning.

  • Despite the non-ruined state of some zones, WoW Classic is vastly inferior to current WoW. Taking close to a year to level a character with 2004 models, 5 minute paladin blessings and no transmog, no thanks.

  • Jaina is one of the better written characters in WoW, mainly in having an actual emotional response to stuff happening. Her killing a handful of blood elves in Dalaran was a fairly lenient response to Theramore and not even close to the ‘genocide’ it’s often called.
    Broadsiding Lordaeron City with her father’s ship of all things was poetic justice.

  • Void elves are a really interesting race and I’ve encountered more good than bad ones in RP (disregarding random chars in the background).

  • Posting ‘exposure’ screenshots to defame other (‘rival’?) players got old 10 years ago and contributes nothing to the spirit of RP.

  • The whole ERP debacles are mostly an overblown circus and its presence seems vastly exaggerated to me. Yes I agree it’s dodgy but personally I haven’t encountered it in public for as long as I’ve been on this server, excluding Goldshire of course. You should’ve seen Aerie Peak back on the Sha’tar, always people doing the vertical tango in that damn gryphon’s nest upstairs.

  • A good percentage of the trolls ruining RP are likely RPers themselves, trying to rile up those they perceive as bad RP.

  • Often, military guilds use too much modern slang. A bit more pseudo-medieval fantasy and a bit less Call of Duty please.

  • It’s totally okay to use bits and pieces of the non-canon RPG material in RP, or to bend lore in minor ways.

  • Taking inspiration from Game of Thrones is not worse than taking inspiration from any other non-WoW setting. Most of us do it in some way.

  • Overall, people could do well to ditch the uncaring memelord attitudes and be a bit more genuinely nice and supportive to others who share the same hobby!


most of the stories people post on the forums are really really bad


I don’t think this has ever been the issue though. People doing it excessively was the problem, turning WoW into a setting that it, frankly, isn’t.


I admittedly don’t like a lot of blood elven roleplayers. Although I understand the xenophobia’s often entirely IC, I’ve tried to approach so many of them- only to be completely blanked with accompanying walls of [Thalassian] text that I can’t read. I’ve given up completely on approaching groups of them; there’s simply no way of penetrating the Thalassian bubble. Although it’s IC, it just doesn’t feel good OOC when when an entire character race refuses to interact with anything that doesn’t have sharp, pointed ears.

It’s a bit of a shame, as it completely writes off Silvermoon for me in roleplay as a hub.


My current main character who although isn’t a blood elf really doesn’t like undead. I do act with cold indifference towards them, but still wouldn’t go as far as to actually ignore people trying to RP

On that note my peeve at the moment is when some people, although unrelated to you Grimace, take the IC indifference or dislike to heart OOC. Like even if I engage people and they’re doing something that really rubs my character off, they feel like I also hate them as a person OOC.

Usually them acting like that way is what ironically leads to developing a dislike. Not everyone is out to get you and and acting that way just pushes people away.

this isn’t directed at anyone in particular


((Sorry doesn’t speak Orcish.))


Opinions please, not facts.

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