Unpopular Opinions

My personal unpopular opinion is it’s feeling strange to see Frostbinder being reasonable in his replies

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I love it when a warrior heroic leaps into the enemy army but survives a 1v40 just because they’re being healed and are also prot spec. All while shouting slogans and catch phrases while somehow fending off literally fourty people on every possible direction.

Or people who cast/heal despite being repeatedly smacked in the face with a warhammer. One of my friends actually caught flak for actually RPing being too injured to keep healing during a battle.

It’s like to a lot of people (A -lot-) in RPPvP, your character is totally fine and not at all in danger unless they’re at 0% HP. This is honestly why I’ve always advocated for more limitations on healing, or more lax rules on CC or abilities, because when you’re at 10% HP you should PROBABLY be on the backfoot, not just get healed to 100%. But because healing is unlimited your HP never seems to get low. This is why we have battles that get stagnant and last for two hours with the battle line hardly budging. Not helped by people running back after dying but I digress…


lmao what that’s a thing? That should be an instant blacklist from all future RP-PvP events.

The most boring thing imaginable is using a basic ability every 5 seconds, while the healers just spam everyone back to full health & and the only way to do any damage is to group focus people - which is then considered ‘against the rules’. It can only possibly work if there’s a pre-decided winner, which carries its own criticisms.


Well healing has to be allowed tbf with alliance having paladins for like 90% of their people, who constantly selfheal.

If killed in RP-PvP, I’m going to consider it being injured but I guess running back to the corpse to keep fighting depends on the rules. If everyone who gets knocked out is regarded defeated the whole thing slants in favour of classes with strong self heals and staying power.

It’s why I liked the Borderlands/Ashes of Draenor form of campaigns, events decided by rolls with guilds assigning themselves a rock/paper/scissor specialty.


So many years ago, when first two young blood elves befriended one another… and I have to put up with you until this very day.

It’s been a rollercoaster of a decade buddy.

yeah not really a fan of zane-in-a-box roleplay either.

Most rp-pvp just ends up feeling really awkward to me. Neither restricted or unrestricted is a good way to portray a conflict, both have an equal amount of upsides and downsides if you ask me. The type of roleplay people want to have isn’t really best suited for this game, or rather we lack the tools and means to effectively play it out. I’ve always thought those asian mmos with their siege mechanics and whatnot had loads of potential for those kinds of things, except they… well, sucked.


Oh yes, Borderlands was amazing. Of all the campaigns I’ve been to, that must’ve been my favourite!


I firmly believe that battles like this only ever progress when someone “cheats” enough to kill a few people without being noticed.

If we could interrupt casts at least then healers and casters couldn’t just face tank an entire team of melee, and it’d actually make killing people feasible. Since nobody bothers to RP that their character is incapacitated or injured unless they hit 0%, which never happens due to all of the above until someone cheats. Otherwise every battle just lasts two hours and nothing happens in that time except raid warnings about nukes and blight being totally ignored.

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The current trend of unlimited healing but limited attack also basically makes battles pointless, it’s decided on who can cheese the rules to a point without breaking them.

The unlimited healing mechanic would only work with a far more unrestricted attack - either the abolition of the “5 second rule” or allowing “strong” (another flimsy term) attacks being allowed.

Oh and of course people just running through supposed “lines” as if they were nothing. Or the enemy player caught behind 8 other players not dying. Sorry if you’re separated from the pack you’re dead.

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In large battles, this is probably much more likely to be due to lag / latency than malicious intent. Even with my very decent internet speed, I’ve often seen characters ‘teleport’, disappear or rubberband back and forth during fighting. So I can imagine people suddenly finding themselves seperated from their companions at the blink of an eye. I just… always assume the positive haha.

That’s why small-scale and semi-scripted will always be the golden idol; had a lot of fun ambushing and being ambushed by Lionheart and Footman back in DoW.

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I think if the player darts back it can be chalked up as lag. But when someone LEEROYs through the enemy frontline to punch healers in the face and does so consistently, it’s hard to imagine it being unintentional.

My favourite is “Heroic Paladin Commander soloing entire Horde army because he’s being healed by his entire guild of healers while he slowly whittles down said Horde who only have one healer, tops”. Fortunately that quickly stopped after a friend of mine scored a lucky crit in a campaign where legendaries were allowed (???), tl;dr: Dude basically got decapitated by a monk’s roundhouse kick. We have decided to make that canon since.

I also love it when they say “NO SLOWS” which makes playing Frost Mage literally impossible to do anything with except Ice Lance, and when you bring this up people retort “THE POINT ISN’T TO KILL PEOPLE IT’S TO RP” which I call bull :poop: on. Hard. Because as elaborated earlier, people’s HP NEVER goes low enough to actually put them in mechanical danger because of unlimited healing, so they never back off or lose ground UNLESS you kill someone. So you HAVE to be able to cheese somehow in the annoying 5s rules in order to make anything actually HAPPEN. It’s also pretty hard to RP when you’re focusing on the pseudo-PvP going on in my experience.

Best RPPvP I ever had was Wargames between friendly guilds, where we just had a general agreement not to go HAM, not to heal or cast if you were in melee and otherwise used mostly autoattacks. Everyone involved also PvP’d to an extent so even when the kid gloves were taken off and two people got into a serious 1v1 somewhere on the map, nobody minded.


I think the way to do it is to run the campaign as something similar to a board game, and rp pvp is a secondary event dictated by the actual “mechanics”.

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Good thing though that restricted RP PvP is not competitive

Nothing wrong with that

Not an argument

You have that because people refuse to interact with each other while they do the RP PvP, you can type up emotes without a problem - rarely happens

Dying in restricted RP PvP =/= Character death

Heroic Leap is IC (!)


To be honest this feels like the way to go anyway, given how the server chugs to a brutal halt whenever a larger campaign is organized in a zone and, with WM off, the players start fighting in larger numbers.

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“G-guys please spread out so the server can handle our numbers.”

Horde splits off into smaller groups as requested, Alliance forms the Zerg and devours both the Horde units and the server capacity.