Unpopular Opinions

I’m pretty sure 1v40ing and shouting catch phrases while doing it is grounds for being a Mary Sue. Every single time it’s happened within 10mins people get fed up and start bursting him. And after some back and forth both DMs on each side agree it’s dumb and give the go ahead to burst anyone trying to do this.

It’s not meant to be an argument, it’s a point that a LOT of people try to make it competitive and prioritise the PvP aspect over RP. RP-wise it’s dumb that a priest can keep an entire army alive while having a DK, warrior and rogue beating their face in just because healing is ‘unrestricted’ and DPS is ‘restricted’. It’s jarring and immersion breaking for RP and flat out frustrating for PvP. For RPPvP it’s both.

In this case my friend was trying to respect the fact that, as a healer, they just got jumped by multiple melee. But then they got comments both IC and OOC about ‘not healing’.

9/10 times people don’t react to emotes in my experience, sometimes you get the odd guy who’ll play along with it but it’s mostly because people are dead set focused on pressing an ability every 5s. Even then with the massive chat spam, good luck not missing anything short of a raid warning. (Which is often ignored anyway).

It’s a common agreement that if you ‘die’ in RPPvP, you are at least too injured to continue. I never said it meant you should be dead IC, I mean it SHOULD be the point where you can’t keep fighting. People can corpse run back to the battlefield and then /lie or whatever, the issue is they corpse run then jump back in. This is what causes battles to last hours with nothing actually happening.

Heroic leap itself is fine. Heroic leaping into the backline and NOT dying instantly (See above) is a bit daft. Literally walking through the enemy frontline is also daft (And the point I was making). Last I checked our characters were made of solid matter IC.

I know it’s a case of ‘each side is just as bad’ a lot of the time, but frankly I see Horde willing to be the sportsman more often. Giving ground, respecting choke points, etc. Alliance? Not nearly as often. And I’ve been on both sides about the same amount of late.


RP-PVP is poop.

But, you see, my human male paladin is a hero and needs to be at the frontline 24/7.

In fact, that counts for all of our human male paladin heroes.

All 300 of them.

My Orc male warrior also needs to be on the frontline, even if that means literally ignoring all the paladins standing in front of him and pushing past the line.

Oh and need to execute charge that low health night elf that i somehow magically know is close to death.

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Not going to lie, while the charge+exe move is dumb, using remaining HP as an indication that a character is weakened/wounded isn’t a bad practice.

Well, unless they do it over a human paladin phalanx that should pretty much cover every angle around the guy.


It’s very rare they get to this point in any case due to the three million resto druids popping everyone to 100% hp in under 0.4 seconds.

Can’t interrupt them though of course.

Not being allowed to use interrupts is very uncool, unbased and ESPECIALLY unmuscular.

Gnomes are cool

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The idea that a character has to stringently follow the stereotype of their race is bad. There’s a difference between shared cultural values, and a stereotype.

… like, some people genuinely seem to think that the Draenei and the Pandaren have -no- troublemakers, villains, etc in their society. It’s like they just forgot about the Man’ari and the Pandaren black market. Also, arguably, the Shado-Pan (lawful, yes, ethical? Ehhhhh…).


I should note that man’ari are straight up evil, additionally it seems draenei as a whole, if they dabble in dark arts, pretty much immediately jump to being evil. I don’t think we have any examples of a non-hostile draenei warlock or shadow priest.

But yes, all races can be as varied as humans. Though one should strive to make sure they’re still identifiable as that race, and aren’t just a human (And sometimes orc / forsaken) in a costume.

I find the issue when these non-stereotypical characters act like hoodlums who curse like they’re going trough puberty and standing around inns with 2000 flintlocks in their pants.

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From my own experiences, there’s nothing wrong with the idea of a character deviating wildly from the norm of their race. It’s just always… Well, it usually comes across as either a self-insert or the people behind the character spit venom at people over “elitism” when characters always react negatively to them.

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Dark Irons and Mag’har are fine

I doubt that one is all that unpopular! Judging by the amount of humans already present on the realm.

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Most roleplayers* are incredibly entitled whether it’s attending events or demanding that content be nerfed for their transmog runs among a ton of other things in-game.

*The majority are probably not even aware of it due to the current state of the game, including myself most likely


I was referencing the fact that the Man’ari Eredar exist as a point on how the Draenei race (I’m aware of the whole Eredar, Man’ari, Draenei divergence don’t yell at me) have the capacity for evil, when people seem to think it’s unfathomable. I mean, hell, Socrethar and the Sargerai exist etc.

As for benevolent shadow priests and warlocks? No, you’re right. At least insofar as NPCs among the Draenei go. Though I wonder how many red skinned Eredar will turncoat now that the Legion is gone, like our little friend in the Dalaran sewers.

Edit: I am still bad at these new forums oh my god.

I’m curious too. But I very much doubt they’ll become ‘good guys’ and join either faction. More likely most will seek to continue the Legion’s work, look into freeing Sargy, etc.

inb4 redraenei are the next allied race.

I don’t actually know how I’d feel about that tbh.

Most of the allied races look awkward in gear that isn’t their heritage set and their narrow aesthetic goes way beyond the confines of the standard races. This renders them barely playable to me, reduced to permanent sidekick status to the “real” races.


Flaming beards are dumb and there should at least be an option to toggle it. It was never mentioned in the lore they had flaming hair and every single Dark Iron in existance pre-BfA had normal hair.