Might even be you own opinion.
BFA is actually a really good expansion and the story was genius!
The game was better before the cross-server sharding nonsense, which should be optional.
BFA professions aren’t that bad and actually support gold farmers with their complexity.
The more painful they are, the less competition you have and the more edge you have over those who didn’t bother trying to understand how it works.
Demon hunters are not as overpowered as many assume
Thanks! /3 chars
She changed the magic words allowing you to post less than 10 characters !
This is contrary to our most sacred forum traditions !
[Picks torch and pitchfork]
Burn the witch !
Remember to pop some corn on that fire in my tribute
I think leveling is being ruined and was good already back in legion before any changes!
Red does not go well with green and most christmas decoration looks stupid as a result.
There! I said it.
All the Star Wars movies are fun.
Orcs went downhill starting with W3.
Gamers are toxic AF.
Actually people are toxic AF.
Give me cats. Isolate me in an ivory tower with fluffy cats.
Fixed 4 you
But… many of them don’t have Picard at all!
Several are about TJ Hooker instead!
There’s two movies with Picard, I guess
DH and warlock classes should be available for draenei and lightforged draenei.