Raider io is a great and necessary addon
I enjoyed WoD
MOP is overrated.
TBC is overrated
Legion and WoD were not as bad.
Cata is not as bas as many people think
Lich king is still alive
I think they listen too much to the community.
Ion isn’t as bad as some here say
I miss playing my Ret Paladin but I can’t bring myself to play it anymore because of they have made of it since Legion pre-patch. I hated Legion and I hate BfA.
Out of all the playable races in this game, Gnomes, Pandaren, Vulpera, and Goblins are by far the Worst.
Fixed it for you!
Il go with really unpopulair.
Warlords of Draenor was better then World of Diablocraft or Beta for Azeroth
Forgot Monks for Lightforged
they got tpaartos,normal draeni got them,pandas will teach anyone.
And they had monks on argus !
Tanks SHOULD be overpowered.
Racials need to be revamped or disabled in competitive / progressive content or all changed to either flat dps increases or just utility.
I like my garrisons.
Anyone who does an activity they don’t do often, e.g. pvp and says that their group is crap or clueless or whatever as the reason for them losing, I’d bet 90% of the time you are too but you’re just also too clueless to know it.
Oof, that hurt
Unpopular opinion?
I actually liked the Garrisons.
At least he died right. That he pulled off perfectly.
Cornavirus was man made by the elite, as part of a series of random events that happen throughout history.
A virus that attacks the old and vulnerable, whilst also striking fear into the world, so control can be maintained by the elite.
Yeah you imeadtly go in ignore for me.
Heirlooms should be removed