Unpopular opinions šŸ¤”

Pruning is the best thing thatā€™s ever happened to the game.

legion was the second worst expansion ever, only cataclysm was worse

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I had unpopular opinions before they were cool.

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Pandarenā€™s racials are actually quite good. Theyā€™re not Night Elves but they are good.

Youā€™re gonna eat food anyway and, unlike with other races, you get to choose which stat you get a racial bonus for.

Also, itā€™s very, very easy to level cooking. Extremely much so. It cost me like 3000g to do it.

And lastly, the punch can you out of a lot of trouble.

But almost nobody likes pandas so meh

Thats not an unpopular opinion, thats a cold hard fact!


I like RNG & Corruption. I liked TF & WF.


MOP was rubbish

Classes should not be race restrictive, Blizz have done so many retcons over the years that a human shaman or forsaken paladin could easily be explained away with new lore that totally actually always existed.

Alliance should not be ā€œgoodā€ nor should the Horde be ā€œevilā€, it should be like two countries serving their own best self interest.

Tauren - Noble, honorable
Elf - cold, pragmatic with a pinch of superiority complex and their own nobility
Huojin Pandaren - they believe that inaction is the greatest injustice and that it is honorable to defend oneā€™s homes and families regardless of cost
Darkspear Trolls - The vicious trolls that populate the numerous jungle isles of the South Seas, are renowned for their cruelty and dark mysticism. Barbarous and superstitious, they carry a seething hatred for all other races. Their tribe was nearly destroyed by rampaging murlocs (ouch). Not the nicest guys in the block, but calling them ā€œevilā€ would be wrong.
The Goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel - The goblinsā€™ natural greed lifted them to prominence as masters of mercantilism and in the wars they were providing weaponry, vehicles, and devious services to both the Horde and the Alliance. When Kezan exploded, Gallywix offered to let the survivors of the volcanic eruption ride his yacht to safety, for a price of course. Frantic goblins threw their entire life savings at Gallywix as the volcano rumbled and threatened to blow the island up for good, and as Gallywix sailed away, he revealed his real plan. Owning everyoneā€™s life savings was a good start, but now he had them at his mercy on his yacht he may as well sell them in to slavery as a bonusā€¦ thoā€™ he promised Thrall, he would hange his ways and reform the way the Bilgewater Cartel was run, I donā€™t think that ever happened. But Goblins are not technically evil, but closeā€¦ untill a better offer to be ā€œgoodā€ :smirk:
Forsaken Undead - Sylvanas little personal cult with the tendency to yell ā€œDeath to the Livingā€ and ā€œBlight it all!!!ā€ . Brainwashed cultistā€¦ Evil, with a capital E, but not their fault. Blame Slyvanas. Without herā€¦ hard to say. We will see. The Death Kinghts of the Ebon Blade is a good examples an Undead without a Lich King or Slyvanas-like figure could be goodā€¦ish. Or at least as pragmatic as an Elf could beā€¦
Orc - It is hard to say a Demon-tainted alien race that truned its back to the original ancestor and elemental worshiing ways, coming from another world (they conquered and killed of or enslaved most of its inhabitants and finally, destroyed) with the plan to destroy, pillage and conquer this is NOT Evilā€¦ very hard. But the truth is, the Orcs, like the Forsaken are the victims of leadership. Under a good leader, who wanted to find back the way to their old life (Thrall) they wereā€¦ okayā€¦ in the hands of Garrosh? Reverted back to the ways when they were led by Blackhand, Gulā€™dan, Nerā€™zhulā€¦ even Orgrim Doomhammer, who was more or less homorable, BUT let Gulā€™dan live, because he promised he will provide a vast undead army for the Hordeā€™s useā€¦ During the Legionā€™s Invasion, they were led technically by Varok Saurfang. As a race, the Orcs are not Evil, like the Forsaken Undeads are not evilā€¦ just tend to follow bad leaders. But when led by a good one? They are pretty noble, like the Tauren
The allied races like Magā€™har, Zandalari Trolls, Vulpera or Nightborne arenā€™t evil either.

Its very hard to call the Horde Evilā€¦ there are shady elements at best in it, and horrible, horrible, evil leaders. But they are not evil, like a sword or gun is not evil eitherā€¦ but the one who wields itā€¦

Itā€™s so obvious that he is coming back in the follow up expansion after shadowlands

WOTLK was awesome because of story, everything else was meh except the raids and wintergrasp.

Same goes for MOP, I donā€™t think anyone would enjoy endless daily quests today

BFA is one of the best expansion when it comes to ā€œday to day stuffā€ but boring non consistent story and to much rng gear.

Blizzard should add more classes


Horde bias is destroying the game.

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Another unpopular opinion: I donā€™t really care about what the individual races feels like, but simply how they act, in BfA they fought for Sylvanas doing a lot of messed up stuff all while Anduin did his best John Snow impression every time being asked about the war by saying: ā€œI dunā€™ wanā€™ itā€¦ā€ So seemingly Horde was portrayed to be in the wrong, the bad guys and so on. It was the same with Garrosh, if you as an individual donā€™t believe so, fine, but Blizz seems to want this to be the case.

Alliance bias is destroying the game.


This thread must be purged

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MOP was the best expansion, change my mind.

Leveling alts is fun, never understood why people wanna rush to endgame content.

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  • Standing in the fire is not a big deal

  • Rapid fire is perfectly fine

  • Aimed shot should stay stationary

  • Demon hunters <insert literally anything, based on what Iā€™ve read on other threads>

  • Pets can be decent tanks while waiting for a new one

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Thereā€™s no faction bias.
Remove WM bonuses.

  1. Flying causes all sorts of problems. It should not be in the game except in special circumstances.
  2. Dailies are worse than just being able to farm. This idea of the game suddenly saying ā€œok, now come back tomorrowā€ or forcing you to spread yourself thin over many activities instead of diving into whatever you want; I donā€™t like it.
  3. Not sure if this oneā€™s unpopular or not, but sometimes it feels as if it is: Thereā€™s nothing wrong with furry or animal-like races. In nature, humans are the odd ones out by not having fur while being a mammal - a position they seemingly only share with pigs, but not even warthogs, and some mole rats and a few select others! Why is it so hard to imagine that other races in a fantasy universe would have fur? Come on, now.
  4. World of Warcraft would be better off using far more of its environments and areas new and old, instead of trying to shoehorn dozens of difficulty levels into the same few dungeons. As a corollary to this, M+ is deeply problematic.
  5. Item level should not exist in a player-facing capacity. Yeah, players will invent their own and theyā€™ll get it wrong. Ok. Better than Blizzard inventing one and getting it wrong. Itā€™s more misleading for new players when Blizzard does it.
  6. LFR is a blight upon the game and should be removed as quickly as possible.
  7. Merge servers en masse. If some of them end up with too many players somehow, Classic found the solution, and itā€™s called layers. At first I was sceptical of layers, but itā€™s such a better solution than what retail has that itā€™s almost a joke. Give me layers or give me death!
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