Unpopular opinions šŸ¤”

Wow, what an avant-garde approach :wink:

Hereā€™s mine.

PvP Islands are the best form of PvP.

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my opinion on bfa was a great expansion but some of the systems and progression lacked for certain playersā€¦ especially now where a new/returning might struggle catching up as quick as some due to the big ilevel gap between getting to 120 and getting to nazjatar and able to kill.

I do think it was a good expansion.

It wasnā€™t that bad
Sure the story was a bit silly after the whole Argus thing and like good little Elves parasites, we slurped and laped up the worldā€™s spilled blood and life essenceā€¦
And the whole Nazjatar an Nyā€™alotha (should be a whole expanison, not just a minimap and raid)
Aaaaand okay, the Machagon and Mechagnome thingā€¦
But it gave us the Vulperaā€¦ so everything is forgiven! :fox_face:

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Vulpower! :fox_face:


The target audience of World of Warcraft used to fantasy fans but has switched to the furry and anime fandom.


Donā€™t be so mean onii-chan! Itā€™s not true!
I will tell you and snepai will ā€¦ willl make you cry!!! :sob:
Mean troll


Gnomes are scary and give you horrible nightmaresā€¦damn chucky replicasā€¦


WoW lost a lot of subs to FF 14

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I dont like the tower in shadowland.

Itā€™s funny that - if you look at BfA on individual parts, you can find a lot of good. Itā€™s got a beautiful world, itā€™s got nice music, itā€™s got some pretty decent core classes, there are a lot of great dungeons, the UI is easy to use, the new AH is awesome, itā€™s got lots and lots content for casuals and hardcores alike, and itā€™s got some pretty interesting story, even if it gets a bit disjointed at times, and on and on the list goes.

But there are just a couple of overriding things that just ruin the whole experience. Azerite Power and its associated items is probably the biggest one of the lot, and so is the mob scaling that causes you to level down, and a few other things like that.


Original WoW Racial line up.


Humans: Look like over the top Anime Protagonists. especially that hairstyle, you know the oneā€¦
Dwarves: Yeah, legit, look like Dwarves should.
Gnomes: Look weird, but not out of kilter for what a subterranean race would/could look like I guessā€¦
Night Elves : Anime Central is calling, they would like their stereotypes back.

Orcs: Over the top musclebound anime Protagonists, even with their own weeaboo Clan of Samurai Orcs.
Trolls: Furries. (Hate it to break it to ya, but Warcraft Trolls actually do have fur, some types more than others, youā€™re playing a Furry raceā€¦)
Tauren: Furries.
Forsaken: Goths.

Remind me again how the target audience used to be for fantasy fans but has switched to furry and anime fandom?



I was going to edit my post then realised I would just leave it as is, simply ending with the word,

(Love Gnomes really)

I love gnomes too! They are essential part of a balanced troll breakfast


So if Darkspear are furriesā€¦ And Forest Trolls grow Moss instead of furā€¦ does that make them Mossies?
And are Zandalari rockies? If those things on them are even rocks I have no idea what they are. Wait I looked it up theyā€™re scales all Zandalari are SCALIES!


The less popular half-siblings of furries.

Best Warcraft themed mogs were added in BfA

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Gawd yeah, Gurubashi/Darkspear are Furries, Amani are Mossies, Zandalari are Scaliesā€¦.

We have discovered the source of the corruption, It was with us all along, and it was not the Vulpera, nay, it existed long before most races walked the earth, before even the Elves, it is the Trollsā€¦ Behold Depravity!


You should try going vegan for a month

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Iā€™m the bestest!

New night elf models are horrible and embarrassing.