I never said “unprune everything” though, did I? It’s not all black and white.
This is such a dumb reason, you’re just regurgitating what Holinka spouted at the time. Whether or not cookie-cutter builds will exist or not is a scapegoat, what mattered was 1. the talents themselves, and 2. the amount of talents, as well as talent POINTS. Going 2/5 in one thing that disabled you from continuing with it to that 1/1 talent in the next that’s connected to it, or 5/5 just for that 1/1 made huge differences to class flavor. Just as an example.
As well as having the talents for each spec, but if you wanted to you could go with talents in a little bit of everything, or a little in one and most in another, but skipping the third altogether.
Just because the old talent template was better, it doesn’t mean an entirely new one wouldn’t be able to top it. I never specifically asked for the old one back either, in that post. You’re just assuming things all on your own, buddypal.
As long as the end result is as stated, class diversity, and unpruning.
But I never asked for old abilities back in that post either, did I? I asked for unpruning, which can mean adding entirely new things. Your imagination is your limit. However, this homogenized crap in the game right now is only for masochistic children. Right now there are more and stronger passives condensed into fewer abilities than in the past, in case you haven’t noticed. That is not really a good thing.
As well as damage rotations having no real difference nor class identity, and it’s too easy to deal max damage, so there’s no depth to it too.