Unreal Engine 4 in wow

This posts :man_facepalming:

In order to create such a game they would need whole new teams that work with architecture , a tone of money , a tone of time and a huge request from players .

Excuse my realism .

Unlike other UE4 remakes of WoW zones, Mike Marra manages to keep the magic of the originals. It looks great!

Forget that, the reason why nobody actually wants a hyper-realistic MMO with very detailed graphics is thatā€¦ you simply canā€™t put out content fast enough. From my industry insiders, Iā€™ve seen many hating the new generation because these ultra-high quality assets take ages to make. One enemy can take months to develop. Ever wonder why Ghost of Tsushima has 3 types of enemies for the entire game, or why God of Warā€™s enemy variety was non-existent and why that game recycled one boss 9 times? WoW benefits from its simple graphics. Itā€™s how it manages to still be the game that gives out the most content out of literally any game. Just look at Destiny 2 - years later, itā€™s still recycling its original enemies. Warframe, too - 7 years on, barely any new enemies. The Division 2 as well. All games with these high quality graphics end up suffering from the exact same problem.

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IDD about engines in general but great graphics do sell. Just look at Horizon Zero Dawn (and the forthcoming sequel). Demon Souls on PS5. Sekiro. Etc. Graphics is a selling point. Not the only one but it does matter. Even in WoW graphics mean something. Everything tuned to the max on a massive 4K+ screen is far more impressive and enjoyable than everything turned down on a small 1080p screen.

Iā€™d love to play an MMORPG with HZD or Sekiro quality graphics. Black Desert comes closest but still misses by a mile. I would stay for the gameplay (bye bye BDO) but given the choice Iā€™d play the one that looked better all else being equal. Sayā€¦ Blizzard produced a high definition texture pack on an engine version with full ray tracing etc etc and you could just turn it on/off . Perfect!

Not anymore.

How the game looks is more of an artistic style and something the devs chose not because of some sort of limitation, the reason 3rd party are using UE4 to render the world and not the engine of WoW is obviously because the former is free and the latter is closed and proprietary engine but itā€™s definitely possible to have the same outcome when it comes to visuals on both, also many people confuses the rendering engine with the game engine where the former is a component of the game engine and is responsible to render the textures, models and such and the latter responsible to so many other things like game mechanics, combat system, input and whatnot, now building all their infrastructure on the UE4 would be an immense work for no real benefits.

So WoW2 or some sort of a restart would probably be on the same (modified) engine but with different content, thatā€™s more likely and maybe just maybe a different artistic style to make it look more realistic but I doubt it.

There are other considerations like optimization and stuff, custom engines are easier to patch and optimize to your liking and are less bloated.

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UNBELIEVABLE ! Someone that actually knows what is job of a game engine ,for a change.

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Cyberpunk recommended requirements are:

Processor: Intel Core i7-4790 or AMD Ryzen 3 3200G
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB or AMD Radeon R9 Fury
RAM: 12 GB

You can get a really nice looking assets in 3D space without high end hardware.

But this is on home-baked engine, that you have full control off and took ages to develop. Not to say 7 years of making those assets. Also we will see how it will really run on ā€œrecomendedā€ in nearby future. If wow was moved to even OV engine it would make a lot more difference visually, but we would have 2-3 years without any content, and probably a lot more lag in raiding scenario (or maybe OV have better backend?).

And generic. Almost RPG aims at ā€œrealisticā€ graphics, WoW is visually the most distinguishable game in the RPG and MMO genre.

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Retributor is usually wrong, but when heā€™s right nothing is more righteous, electronics in my country are so damn expensive even the budget build i am making with a Ryzen 3 3100 and a GTX 1650 is hell of expensive, but even being super budget it is still enough to run our beloved WoW on 1080p on High settings with 60+ FPS.

Too few examples

0/10 no legion

I realized those ā€œWoW in UR4ā€ recreations never are done on modern zones like Legion or BfA, itā€™s always old zones with 2004 and 2007 graphics, i wonder whyā€¦

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High fidelity view as in the UE demo is not something to be used usually by MMORPG, more so something single player where you get up close to stuff so you can see all of that fidelity. Warcraft 4 or some different spinoff :wink:

WoW could also start using photo-realistic textures on everything but that would change how the game feels and would be insane amount of work ā€œfor nothingā€ā€¦ and if you have photo-realistic look with characters straight from photogrametry and you donā€™t have like photo-realistic physics then itā€™s bit awkward (plus lots of old content to re-do).

I cant even imagine AV with this.

World of warcraft 2 made with unreal 4
i want a rison to buy a AMD RX 7000 ā€¦ but they need to realice 8k games first ā€¦

Performance issues aside, this would never ever happen.

Epic demands quite a large cut of monthly revenue generated by titles using Unreal Engine. Meaning every single cent generated in relation to the game. So everything from monthly subs to cash shop purchases to tokens (and even possibly BNet Balance) would have a piece sliced off and given to Epic forā€¦ basically doing nothing.

Activision would never in a million years allow this.

lel will run SL on 10/10 capped at 250 fps even in BGs ā€¦

My pc would jump up and slap me if I tried to play WoW in unreal.

itā€™s 5% of total revenue generated reported quarterly after the first one million in generated revenue. You can also negotiate upfront deals directly with EPIC to remove the 5% fees. EPIC isnā€™t getting money for nothing the R&D that goes in to the unreal engine is insanely expensive and the cost of creating your own in house engine will almost never be worth it for most studios.

Not that any of this matters anyway, wow doesnā€™t look the way it does because of the engine itā€™s on, itā€™s a deliberate stylised game. how a game looks and the engine itā€™s running on are not mutually exclusive at all nor is that the selling point of unreal. Unreal is just a unified set of easy to set up and use tools that work across multiple platforms. it doesnā€™t have a ā€œmake my game look betterā€ button.

These video of wow in unreal arenā€™t meant to be ā€œlook how good wow could look if it were in unrealā€ Mike Marra the guy that makes these is a lighting artist padding out his portfolio. Heā€™s using unreal because itā€™s free and easier not because itā€™s better.

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Unreal is PITA to work in though. Looks pretty, but makes you grey at end.