Unremovable slows

Priests Entropic Rift+ No escape trait.
Demon hunters Wave of Debilitation
Warriors Bladestorm
Draktyrs Disintegrate
Monks Fist Of Fury.

The way that its going Feral druids will soon need a immunity of the type of Freedom.
As things stand now, they keep adding more and more slows that do not clear out uppon shapeshifting.

I also struggle to understand why the aplication of Entropic Rift isnt of the same “nature” as Earthbind Totem for example. Because Earthbind will spam its slow every second but it will allow you to clear it. While Entropic Rift not only doesnt allow you to clear it but also follows you.

Feral have no immunities, and for that trade we got our mobility to make-shift (pun unintended) what we can to survive but even this trait is slowly going away.
I call double standard!
And I hope in the near future we dont see more of the abilities above, and infact making it possible to shift out of their slows.


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