Unscheduled maintenance shutdown and not even an infobox on login screen, huh?

So this is still difficult to post an info on the login screen? And the ‘stealth’ notification when people don’t pay attention to chat because no raid warning.
You really don’t have a particular interest in not pissing people off, do you?

FYI, to check for sure, after seeing the notification had counted down to 13 or so, I quit, relaunched the game, and there was still no infobox, even though the shutdown counter was already in progress.


Yeah I can’t find anything anywhere about mantinence so I alt f4’d lol

I dont mind shutdowns but this is getting annoying now, no notification and 4 times or so it pops suddenly unannounced this month alone… A heads up would be nice but whatever i guess…

Oh well, 1 hour break for everyone.

blizzard post anywhere when they do “scheduled maintenances”?

They usually do, on the character screen even, but there’s nothing there at all

Yea mmiddle of dungeon just see in chat

Does it like… reset the stuff like the weekly maintenance would?

and was having fun:( not nice, and overall so many bugs.

An no info to be found anywhere… Anyone has some ideas when the server will be back up ?

it sent out a small patch now so maybe now ?

Was wrong, 2 mb patch but still not working

There is time for cat videos. (The Cat leveling music thread - #115 by Aellas-aggramar)

Going to bed, waited 15 i dont think it will come up anytime soon

GO GO GO GO GO! :laughing:

Looks like another update as well.

C’mon @Blizzard - what’s with the sudden emergency shutdown?

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They are just bunch of amateurs…half EU servers works :D:D half not :D:D:D

With all the unscheduled downtimes, at least we’re bound to get a free month of playtime to make up for the inconvenience. So it’s not all bad I suppose?

They forgot to change the day … Scheduled maintenance on Wednesday the 9th of December when it should be a Friday lmao

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Wednesday the 9th, you say? Curious what year they’re talking about. This year the 9th falls on a friday.

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