Unstable Affliction Bugged

Good day! Playing Pandaria:Remix on the warlock in the Affliction branch noticed the following problem: the spell “Unstable Affliction” regularly disappears from mobs, as if it were being removed by dispell. At first I assumed that the mobs were using some kind of dispel, but I noticed that only this debuff was missing, and this spell should cause a lot of damage when dispel, which does not happen. Thank you in advance for your reply!

Hey Колываш,

I’m not seeing any known bug with this spell, however if the issue persists, please do report it to our developers, and they’ll be able to check this out for you. :slight_smile:

Bug fixes are usually published in our Hotfix blogs and patch updates, which can be found in the News section of the main site.

Thank you!

This sounds simular to a bug i’ve had in retail for several months, except it’s with my Immolate spell. Same thing as the OP gets happens to me, it’s just dissapears off mobs for no reason.

It’s intermitant though, some days it does not happen, other days it’s constant on almost every mob. It’s very noticable on longer fights as it completely messes up your rotation.

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