Hello. I would like to share my experience with blizzards BOT services.
Wow clasic hc server soulseaker. Around 11:10-11:15 server time me and my friend got disconected due to server isues at the same time. we were doing “WANTED: Murkdeep!” , it was a dificult spot so instead of risking respawns that we had cleaned, we asked for the unstack service almost immediately. The process was completed and i recived a message that my char was transferred SAFE in the nearest greaveyard. i logged in. INSTEAD OF THE SAFE PLACE I WAS IN FRONT THE DUNGEON BLACKFATHOM AND BEEING NUKED BY ELITS AND DIED !!! i know the risks of the HC, lost allready a 43main and this is my second try and probably was my last. My time is precius due to my job and family, but THIS IS A TECHICAL FAULT !!! My friend, managed to reach the exit of pure luck as i warned through speak. This is a technical fault, i pay subscription and i demand at least a roll back service. But no blizzard “answers” only though a frastrating support bot system and a post that , even if your char died due to bug (OUR COMPANY FAULT) , sorry its dead and it will stay dead.
You were “lucky” your character was teleported there alive. Sometimes unstuck service just kills the character and sends him to graveyard as a ghost. If you stuck log out go to an alt and search for a warlock you can trust and 2 clickers to summon you to a real safe place.
Hardcore server is not for everyone. Chance of dying is always there and you need to be ready to restart or not start at all.
No revives under any circumstances. Go again.
This is unfortunately a known issue. Somewhere in the web you can find a map with places you’re sent to using the unstuck function. It is NOT safe, even if it claims to be. Sometimes it sends you to high level areas, sometimes to the opposing factions graveyard.
You can’t recieve summon while in combat
But yes with unstack service its a known issue and sometimes you get teleported even to enemy battleground entrance and be insta killed with 60lvl guard elites, so BFD isn’t the worst option xD
I think on hc they should make it just teleport to your HS location
OP didn’t mentioned she was in combat just that they with a friend didn’t wanted to risk respawn, meaning the combat was over. In worst case scenario they could ask for help clearing camp first around OP logout area.
He insta got in combat if there are mobs respawn
He dont know what layer he log on, and even with group invite it can take some time (up to 1 minute) to change layer, if all mobs respawn they can kill him in 5-10 seconds