Untested, weird changes and updates

I just need to vent…

Just ragequit the Myco Delve on 8 because of massive incoming damage and dots and having to dodge frontal cones in a minefield of spores on a playfield of the size of a stamp.

Who comes up with stuff like that and thinks its fun? Who comes up with caster groups that sling 500k+ Spell Damage every two seconds when the game gives you not enough utility to control it?

Why did you increase the necessary item level for Heroics to 467 and made the transition out of normal dungeons such a slog? A buddy of mine is a late starter and we tried to hard carry him yesterday evening out of normal mode dungeons. What was the purpose behind that change? Because Heroes drop 480s now? It just does not feel right for new players.

Why is there no smoother transition into harder content anymore? I thought in the beginning, that the reduction of mythic+ dungeons and direct start at m10 is a good thing, but playing it with casual friends now, it think the jump is just to steep from Heroic to M0. What about some Hero adjustment or may be some Mythic 0.5 for the older or not so skilled generation?

Finally…can you please stop balancing stuff with a chainsaw and start to think and calculate before you overnerf and overbuff classes and mechanics?
I guess you have competent people who are able to cruch some numbers to do changes with a bit more finesse - and if you dont, it is really really time to hire some.
Your wild swinging changes drive people away.