Unusual character ideas

I had this idea of making a butler-type mage who specialized in conjuring food/banquetes and general household items. He would start out as a pacifist character, though the nature of the setting (#plsnoworldofpeacecraft) would nudge him towards conflict inevitably.
Instead of learning to fight with the aid of the usual fireballs and blasts he would adapt his conjuring for combat, summoning a teakettle to cover his opponent in searing steam and dropping banquete tables on people’s heads.
His finishing move was supposed to be called “noodle phantasm”, a barrage of raw spaghetti impaling his opponent, but since I was clued in on the pasta meme today I think I’ll scrap that.

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choke them to death with a table cloth

One concept i always found interesting was someone following a religion or having a belief that didn’t originate from their own race.
I’ve seen some examples of people taking it to far and being best buddies with X godly figure that would always grant them every wish they have, but most were pretty alright in terms of realism.
Seeing Vulpera not really having a unified religion they all follow, I set Kai’ up to believe in loa (specifically bwonsamdi) instead due to finding old temple ruins in and around Vol’dun.
It allows her some limited interaction with spirits within reason and the whole bargain aspect of bwonsamdi ensures that she can never take advantage of anything without giving something else up.


that’s something I am curious if they will follow through with over time with the Vulpera is a giving them a religion of their own as right now it seems they don’t have one and I would guess if a vulpera does find religion it would most likely be a Loa to worship given their native environment

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I feel like Vulpera would love the heck hek hek out of Jani

My ideas are pretty down to earth, but here goes!

I’ve been toying around with the idea of making a gnome toxicologist who became fascinated with such things after the whole Gnomereggan incident. They’d have a borderline obsession on studying radiation, animal venoms, manufactured toxins and their effect on living things. This would push the character pretty deep into the mad scientist trope, which is why I haven’t actually made the effort to create this character. I fear they would be pretty one note.

Another character I’ve thought about is a Forsaken mage from Ambermill, who after Sylvanas’s little “outburst” at the gates of Orgrimmar is reconsidering his life. The character would then probably become a neutral, if not actually Alliance siding undead, whose character arc would be to try to reconnect with colleagues and friends on the Alliance side. I entertained the idea of having them be so changed by their time in the Horde and as an undead that though they don’t themselves feel any different to how they were in life, their old friends would be able to tell that they’ve changed. It’s pretty obvious why this character would be pretty tough to get working. You’d need a good group that were willing to roll with that established relationship. It’s fun to plan that sort of stuff, but actually putting it to work… Ehhh… Might as well stick with a character I’m used to.


Maybe Akunda given his close proximity to the Vulpera

My new character is not unique but is an interesting take on recent lore and Night elf tragedies.

He is mad, and it started when he followed Fendral into the Firelands. He didn’t fight the others (as far as he knows) and merely studied the new land and promises hidden there. He is now thinking he is following the light, symbolized in the flame and tries to gather Teldrassil refugees and help them deal with the tragedy (the holy man trope).

He completely believes he lost his family in the fires and that the cure is in that same flame that caused it (sort of like people who sympathize with their tragedy too much). He is fully corrupt unknowingly and that the light/flame that he follows is N’Zoth and the shadows whispers.

I wonder how well i can pull it off.


that forsaken idea is aces my dude I would happily create a character for that kind of meaty storyline

I love it my dude go for it


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