Unusual character ideas

Now one thing I have always enjoyed is unusual character concepts and ideas so tell me about your most unusual characters


A con artist/ master of disguise. Was gonna be a warrior, and have multiple outfits in my bag at one time and loads of trp profiles, so could run around a corner, change into a soldier’s outfit, change profile and continue on his way.

Didn’t use the idea in the end coz that was way too much work when I had other characters to focus on


Fair enough why a Warrior though?

Probably because can equip all armour types, so you could be a guard in plate one minute and a farmer in cloth the next.


fair enough

Yeah exactly that, would of had some little fireworks or something incase he needed to pretend to be a mage and such

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unusual char concept? literally a dumb recruit whom was all his life cradled and taken care of into late 20s/30s by mother and than she died so now he must take care of self, his money is running dry so after all those years w 0 job experiance he must find a job.

makes for best char growth rp. makes for sh1t irl situation


A Mechagnome with a flesh fetish.

Was my original idea but then I realized most people would see it as ERP seeking when I just thought it’d be a hilarious gimmick to include for comical purpose (Or creepy as I was made aware of.)

Was suggested to simply rebrand as Mechagnome with a keen interest in Organics or Organical matter and remove the potential of coming of as creepy by saying he’s a medic.

That was the idea. (Not my greatest and clearly lacked self-awareness I will agree on that.)

make a step up and have him a DK, so he is literally having a reason for flesh fetish or interest as you said. so they can toy from medical to necrotical levels of studies


Huh. That’s a pretty good suggestion… May be the best medium for me to actually touch DKs as a class since I’m allergic to them.

And the RP could be pretty… Wacky to very grim.

Go deeper into the blood death knight side and you have some fun with the vampiric side of the role which does include some fleshcrafting

I kinda aimed to explore that with this character. Almost blood borne vibes with it.

Hmmm, I like it :yum:

Speaking of weird concepts: Miraja supposed to be a young, little bit crazy blood troll who was captured by the rotting underlings of the Banshee Queen but in the end she escaped (thanks to a treacherous sin’dorei & a group of pirates) and now she lives alone in the wilds of an unknown continent.

Right now I can’t really roleplay her (Blood trolls have hated reputation with literally everyone!) so she’s nothing more than a forum persona & a silly TRP profile (Still useful to scare off elitist roleplayers).

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have you ever tried playing a pacifist? or semi-pacifist
as in someone who is not stonefaced able to just kill a person like what 99% of the characters on this server seems to be able to.


My most unusual character concept is probably the one I was toying with before the release of Classic: a darkspear troll who really wanted to be a druid so they disguised themselves as a tauren.


A character is convinced that they are not real and in fact the puppets of the whims and will of a super-being that controls their actions and knowledge about the world they live in.

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“MuH iMmErSiOn BrUh”

Illidari aligned succubus specializing in mind control, but acting all formal and lady-like instead of lewd and flirtatious.
She’s also afraid of dying, because she thinks other demons in the Nether would kill her permanently for betraying the Legion. So she’s willing to give up dignity to save her hide and tries to not get into any trouble with azerothians, so her master (a demon hunter) has no issues with keeping her around.

Yes, I actually RP that, a succubus and I do not ERP on her.
I’m ready for Tehya and the PCU making fun of me in another thread.
Bring it. It’s a cool concept and I stand by it.


Not actually a character of mine (yet…)

A goblin socialist who advocates for workers rights and against the privatization of Gallywix’ property.
May or may nor refer to his fellow working man as ‘comrade’.
May or may not refer to his beliefs as ‘gobbunism’, or call himself a ‘gobbunist’.

This does not compute.
(JK - succubus RP can be legit as much as the next concept when done right)


Sure, why not!