Upcoming Class Tuning Changes – 30 March

Maybe because they basically killed the only good build for Ele with an unreasonable nerf and realised that Ele is not in the best spot right now, to say it polite. Not that a 5% buff would fix any of Ele’s problems right now…

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Yeah, now we’ll be 50% instead of 40% :joy_cat:

But no, seriously, I am glad to see these balancing changes. I hope they are a sign that Blizz no longer consider class balance to be something they only do on major patches. Spending 8 months at the bottom of the list is pretty rubbish.

This looks good on paper but with this new 4set devs want from us to press cobra shot and kill command in aoe becosue Beast Cleave window will be 9 sec and there is problem becouse my covenant ability need to be refresh every 3sec with multi-shot so my question is why this 4set is useless in aoe??? this buff will be few % but in some dungeons at the end my over all will be lower than prot pala with 4set or guardian druid

All these changes will affect pvp?

Please just don’t nerf anything. It always feels bad - Buffing underperforming stuff on the other hand feels good


Shame. At this point even Studios like Bungie does a better job at balancing and it is basically a meme there that the “Hunter subclass” is the preferred kid of the house

Hahahaha you are in for a surprise…ofc it will affect pvp :rofl:


Ret buff where?


Yeah, where are the dmg buffs for Blood? Then again, it’s been bad the whole expansion so what are the chances of them doing something about it now… :frowning: It seems intended at this point that Blood should just do low dps and struggle with threat in dungeons.

Here is a crazy thought: Buff the underperforming specs instead? You know, so everyone actually gets to have fun.


Just wait till u get 4pc , blood is bonkers on ST and actualy can do dmg on aoe, u also got like 85% DRW uptime . Ofc, this doesnt match guardian 4pc dmg , which somehow didnt get nerfed …

where shadow priest

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I’ll take it!

I’m slowly leveling a Shadow Priest, even at level 30ish they seem pretty chaotic to play. Does it get better?


Oh yeah?

Nice :smiley:

In general they’re ok. For me they’re never the best and never the worst … but we have almost always had problems with having a proper aoe. This isn’t so bad in a group but can be difficult when doing solo stuff.

I love my 4 SPs and have stopped playing all my other classes but I would say they’re probably equal stress and fun :slight_smile:


Plus we are weak number wise on top of that.
If you dont like how it plays at level 30 then it maybe isnt for you then. You wont get anything game changing later either…just a bit more haste so the class isnt stronger but functions and feels better to play.

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Well it doesn’t help me much now with zero tier pieces so far. Also, I don’t think it’s acceptable that this has been a big problem the whole expansion. I shouldn’t have to rely on tier set to function on a basic level, and holding aggro is as basic as you can get as a tank. Balance in terms of survivability has been very good in Shadowlands, but tank damage balance has been terrible.

Go and do lfr for some tier pieces… you have instaqueue anyway.

The Feral buff looks huge from looking at those numbers but it’s 2.3% ST and about 5% aoe.

That’s because those abilities dealt such low damage to begin with.

Anyways, it’s better than nothing.

Btw Ret does need help. It’s not looking good. Even with set bonus and double leggy it feels weak without the scaling from ES since the set forces us out of it. Keep in mind that it was middle of the pack last tier. So, adjustments are needed. Don’t take as long as you did with Feral, thank you.