Upcoming Class Tuning Changes – 30 March

dont get me wrong, its fun to see the booms, i do play some mm now. but still now since i can play both ( not a expert on mm but i can play it fairly well already) i just dont understand why bm gets the bad rep for being easy, when mm is just as easy lol.

I find hunter in general is easy. But I play it cuz it’s fun…

I love the archer style

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Poor wittle hunters, one of their 3 dps specs isn’t top. Boohoo

U know hunters can just dps right? it is a dps class. unlike urs who are so ego that u play a ret of all things, do the community a favor and go tank or heal boy :slight_smile:

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hahahaha… good one. Good one.
Blizzard have been decimating frost DK’s since MoP.

If you’re blood or unholy you get some love. Frost gets the proverbial cold shoulder. Only decent thing they did recently was give back two handed weapon use.

Ret buffs and/or rework ret 4pc.

Kk, thx, bye, Habibi

… You played it in raid yet or m+? The aoe cleave is insanely strong.

Any chances you can hotfix the [Careful Aim] lvl.25 Hunter talent? It seems it’s still bugged and has been so FOR ALMOST TWO YEARS! (It was first reported on 12 Aug 2020 - https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/careful-aim-not-working/608769)

I’ve done some testing and the damage seems staying the same with or without the talent. It seems it doesn’t even get activated as when you choose it you don’t get the usual message “you have learned [talent]”. You always get that message, even with passive talents but when you choose Careful Aim you get nothing and in fact there is no change in the damage done.

After almost two years (?!) can we please fix it ?

update: after further testing it seems the bug is in the tooltips (besides not getting the “learn spell” message). The extra damage does get applied and the damage reported in the tooltip is with the 50% already on. The bug seems that if you unlearned [Careful Aim] the damage in the tooltip stays the same as before.

It’s a bit weird though since the damage reported seemed to me the same as when I was lvl.24 (and therefore even before I could choose Careful Aim). Anyway, it’s worth checking as something doesn’t seem fully right.

I tried playing my DK as frost. I went into a low key as dps, pressed some buttons and went “Welp, this class is boring”.

I don’t know, the DK in the 14 key did awesome DMG and didn’t seem that bored…

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Ret pala damage increase by 100% and bubble has a second charge seems like it would balance things up

Blizzard Logic
If you want to do good aoe damage play surv but surv is melee and if i want to play melee i can just log on my warrior/enh shaman/rogue etc
If you want to do good aoe damage play mm but mm need to hard cast aimed shot i can just log on my

All i want from this company i to play range class with pets and press aoe spells to do aoe damage but right now after this 3% damage i will still do less damage than Warrior/mage/druid/druid tank/prot pala with 4set or rogue and otheres becosue my only spell that is off GCD and can hit all targets and i can use any time i want do less damage than my trinkets that are 262 ilvl i did dungeons like DoS/Taza Gambit with huge packs of mobs where there is alot targets i saw that almost every class on packs like this did sometimes 4 times more damage even tanks doing huge amount of DPS sometimes some classes can pump close to 100k dps

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