Upcoming Mist/WoD/Legion Transmogs

As we all know, Blizzard made a reboot of old expansion, first it was Classic, then TBC, WOTLK and now Cata - and they are probably not stopping from there.

What about transmogs? I mean, stuff now is basically Account Wide, so might be a cool idea to implement like mogs obtained in the old expansions into to retail/live servers.

So people that missed out on lets say, Challenge mod in MoP and WoD, Original MT in Legion can get it - think that also would boost the servers on the classic realms for a while.

What’s your thought on that? Personally, love the idea.


Seems a reasonable request.

They aren’t adding them into Retail per se. And anyone unlocking them is doing so under original conditions (specs, gear, mechanics).

Mage Tower artifact appearances unlocked in Legion Classic could be Account Wide without technically breaking their word.

A few might grumble at this but I think they’d be a tiny minority.

Most of the people that is whining about it is those people that said it was ‘‘too hard’’ , well let people get it in the OG way, and then its fine. Blizzard removed and added stuff back into the game before, so not first time they go back on their promise… Lets start with ‘‘You think you do, but you don’t’’ about Vanilla coming back.

Well who cares, in the end, is not gonna affect anyones character in any way, shape or form. Is just pixels that you see on your own screen.

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this argument has never actually been good because if its just pixels and no one cares then why request it. (i dont care wether they come back or not) but this argument has always just been shooting oneself in the foot

I would be kinda mad if they did that. Not because i care about those stuff, fomo is stupid and so is removing stuff .

But i would hate to do old expansion just to farm a tmog there that i want on retail, either let me farm it in retail if im supposed to use it in retail, or dont “force” me to play completly different game .

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Was not a request, was just an idea. I’m thinking about if they come back or not for the newer generation, if it don’t, well lifes goes on. Already got MT myself so, why not share it. Give people a second chance

No one is forcing you to farm it if you don’t want too tho, is just a suggestion to boost playerbase on classic realms, and get a different flavour for some.

if you want it you go get it, if you don’t want to work for it, well then you won’t get it. I mean , I see your point. And myself, hate fomo. Sad to see new players whisper where you got that mog, how did you get this and that… and the response I need to give, well sorry, you can’t get it anymore

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Thats why i used “” on forced .
I want some stuff that is lost in time , if there was a way to get it on classic realms i would do it , because i want those things, but i would hate doing it because it “forces” me to play different game .

Also it would probably bring more harm than good , just look into any pug raid now , tons of people are just rolling need on stuff they dont even need just for Tmogs , same stuff will happen in classic raids.

I dont want it for free, i have no issues working towards any reward , but let me do the work on char that i want to play , on expansion that is current and i wanna play .

Most of the gear back in the day you can still get, from raids, dungeons - sure some specific pieces from Old Naxx is a different take. But mostly aimed towards challenge mods and MT, those are personal and you would get without needing to roll on anything.

This one, I totally agree on, but as they said, it will not return, if promises being kept, the only logical reason I see of it ever returning, is maybe in the reboot of expansions. So we gotta take it, or leave it as it is. If that would happen. This is again, just a suggestion, and a thought.

Yes, most, there still are things that can be rolled on and will be abused , trust me .

Stuff like atiesh, or ashbringer , and then basicly pretty much any tmog, because once im doing a run for X item and i drop Y item, why should i give it to someone else ? Because he needs it more and i can farm it again? Nah man lets keep it so its and extra tmog for me . See , thats how it will work, thats how it works now .

Yea i dont think they will do that. If they said they wont bring it back then they wont, no matter way of obtaining .

Or , they could make something that realy make sense, and let people farm it on classic and also bring it back on retail , both worlds are happy

Probably, but most of old skool raids, you do in a guild, and can soft/hard reserve. DKP, is all about you how go about obtaining the pieces you farm for.

That would be the best option to be honest, since F - FOMO :slight_smile:

another thing, masterlooter - form your own grps :slight_smile:

Yea, but where us “old skool” for you? Like yea mop was like 10 years ago, it is old , but it far from oldschool for me , and people definitely did raid puging a lot . Then even more in wod and each expansion just more and more.

Or join someones else and get ready for ninja :wink:

there is no gear you need to farm for transmog in MoP and forward in group content that is locked and can be ninjaed, you can literally get every piece from the raids til this day. So not really seeing your point. Old skool, ment by classic / Vanilla, specifically naxx and Ateish staff.

That’s why you form your own groups if you’re paranoid of getting ninjaed.

True, with that philosophy we should just give everything to everyone. At the end of the day. It’s just pixels.

I see no reason why not to give it to everyone? If requierements are met.

Lets guess you gonna bring the topic of ‘‘what about glad mounts, titles’’ , get the requirement needed in classic realms - no one said to give it out for free here either?
Edit: and yes, at the end of the day, it is just pixels.

In the grand scheme of things, everything “is just”. I’m just pointing out it’s a ridiculous philosophy. It’s just this, it’s just that.

I have no qualms bringing back things if the challenge is of similar essence to how it was before. But recently, with the surge of implementation of old stuff. I’ve noticed my motivation has tanked/bricked completely. Why? Because why bother doing anything when it’s hard when you can just wait and reap the exact same rewards when it’s easy.

It has an impact imo. Some of us play for prestigious items. When the prestige is gone, it makes it pointless to collect. I know there’s a lot of people like me, regardless of whether people think it’s the correct way to enjoy a game.

Same with people IRL collecting things like vintage Rolls-Royces. Similar thing in-game.


I don’t see it as ridiculous, I think it is a valid take. But we can agree to disagree, totally fine with me.

Literally what the whole meaning of this post is all about.

That’s on you guys then, some people are not? I don’t see my stuff that I have as prestigious in that way that I need to gatekeep it from others?

But vintage rolls royces are still available? Items in this game is not?

this logic goes the opposite way, too. why do you want someone else’s toys for yourself? why didnt you get it yourself when you played? why do you need it even if you didn’t play? are you going to die if you don’t get it? are you going to cry if you don’t get it?

the reality is this: you want these items because they’re prestigious. no other reason. the millisecond they are readded to the game, they are no longer prestigious.

we already have examples of this - find a player using the fel drake or ghastly charger. you won’t, despite it being handed out for free just by leaving twitch on in the background for 4 hours.

find a player using MoP world boss mounts. Again, you won’t be able to, because the prestige of these items were vanished overnight by making them go from 1 in 2000 to 1 in 100, then buyable off a vendor.

you want it right up until its handed to you as a participation award, then you’ll realise you don’t want it and never use it again.

agreed - its just pixels to you. it was fun to earn them when they were difficult to earn. its a memento of the past that you can look at and recall fun or not so fun memories of 5, 10, 15 years ago.

you don’t need it. its just pixels, to you. thats all it is, thats all it will ever be, because you won’t earn it with friends or guildies or in a chaotic pug. you won’t be excited for it. you won’t skip work or school to finish it. you’ll log in, buy it off a vendor, use it twice then never use it again. its just pixels to you.

you won’t experience being server first gold CM. you’ll just buy it off a vendor and then go ‘ah yeah cool another set’ then never use it. you want cool sets and challenging rewards? ask blizzard to make more of them, not devalue the old ones.

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Adding those will be the equivalent of opening Pandora’s box. What about Corrupted Ashbringer then? What about Atiesh? Do people who who got them in classic get the mog in retail?

Classic was made with the promise of no crossover between it and retail, otherwise people would have played it for the mogs. Now you want to either change that retroactively or add it selectively. Either will piss off a lot of people.

If you want to get them in retail, it should be obtainable in retail, not elsewhere.

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