I’m probably way too optimistic…but just in case the “powers that be” read these forums, or someone here has a good suggestion for bringing this to their attention, I thought I’d post this suggestion that originally came from rberook over on Wowhead.
-I am not currently on the PTR for World of Warcraft myself, but I am following the development of the upcoming 11.1.0. patch, especially the Mistweaver monk changes. And as such, I noticed that in the new build, the talent “Sheilun’s Gift” has been moved one row up.
Now, this is a great change for those who play the “Fistweaver” playstyle (melee), which is great of course!
However, for those of us who play the “Mistweaver” (caster) playstyle, it means that we will need to use one more talent point to get to the talent “Peaceful Mending”, which is integral to our playstyle. Worse, the extra talent point will have to be placed in one of two talents that aren’t really that valuable to us.
This could be easily fixed though, if the talent “Veil of Pride” were moved one row up as well, and made to connect to “Peaceful Mending”. The talent “Legacy of Wisdom / Emperor’s Favor” could then either be moved to where “Veil of Pride” is now, or just moved slightly to the left and connected with a longer connecting line (to preserve the pleasing symmetry of the tree).
Anyhow, this would fix the issue for those playing a caster style instead of the melee style of fistweaving, without negatively impacting the fistweaving playstyle.