Some effects are missing DRs in PvP, including some roots and knockbacks.
and slows
/10 chars
Some slows also cannot be removed with abilities like druids Shapeshifting, Vanish and so on.
Yes, stun-like abilities should be put on the stun DR. Such as mortal coil, or the new monk “knock-up” ability.
if anything the standard UI needs Drs to show it’s dumb that after 20 years it’s still not in the game baseline besides using addons like diminish etc.
How are new pvp’ers supposed to know these exist?
Mc still causing regular dc’s
In literally any other pvp game it would have been disabled until fixed.
The pvp team is some part time intern
MC should just be removed, replace it with a different CC - lightning lasso type effect will do.
The UI not showing DRs is pretty criminal
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