Update from Ion in Shadowlands Beta General Discussion Forums

They are listening. Ion has several times listened to the feedback on it.

They have nerfed everything to do with the systems down massively to prevent them being a problem recent highlights says the only major DPS increase now are conduits and their universal.

For example, BM hunters legendaries are litterally azerite traits.

I cannot see the convenants being that much of a issue given this as they are nerfed into the ground. And while there are some super strong choices it’s very likely they’re also gonna get nerfed over the next couple of weeks.

Them disagreeing with the playerbase isn’t “not listening”

Not saying they’re making the right choice or aren’t being stubborn. But to accuse them of not listening is dishonest.

Given the lack of requirement to do anything I don’t think this is entirely true they’ve made almost all content optional. With a half a hour chore on a weekly reset

I don’t think this is some cash grab at a engagement tool, I think this is just a case they want to try something new and the playerbase doesn’t want that something new

They don’t need to pull something like this to get that. Most serious raiding guilds have always made it compulsory to have more then 1 character

And alot of the more casual playerbase make alot of Alts anyway. There’s no incentive on doubling down if the playerbase already behave in the way they’re aiming for.

Convenant power is annoying. I doubt imma quit the game over it though outside of it the game seems pretty damn solid. And convenants look 100x better then azerite gear and corruptions.

I’d take any system in SL over BFA :rofl:

This is a simple case of Dev v Playerbase… they want to push more “meaningful choice” into the game and the playerbase don’t want it.

I think it is.
When one asks their ribeye steak to be cooked Rare, the shop should not say they listened but they disagree and that it will be cooked well done.


1 ability.


Stop worrying. :man_shrugging: :man_facepalming:

That’s a silly analogy.
A steak is made to order. A game is not.
You are playing a developer’s vision of what this game is.
Whether you like or dislike that vision is up to you and you can decide whether that game is then worth your money or not.

Ultimately you don’t get to tell the developer how to make their game. It’s THEIR game.

I wish they could take up their effing visions/hallucinations and make their own new IPs instead of altering established ones (that they did not even originally created themselves) beyond recognition.

We will see if enough people got the figurative balls to vote with their wallets on this.

I am tired of the circle of “We have a vision and we will take things that direction====> Ok we admit we got it wrong in spite of all the feedback we rejected but we will get it right next time =(over 1 year later)=>We have a vision and we will take things that direction==(over 1 year later)==> Ok we admit we got it wrong in spite of all the feedback we rejected but we will get it right next time ====>”

If they keep making any increasing or stable profit from the game after this then it is all our fault as players

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i dont think thats a good comparison at all, A Restaurant is paid to deliever what you want. a Company is Paid to develope a Game and what goes into that game is generally what the comapny wants

if they asked the playerbase “Which would u prefer” and u picked one and then they took the opposite choice, u could proclaim ignorance.

Disagreeing with someone isnt ignoring them.

you werent given a Menu of Options to choose from, Convenants were never said “do u want them?”. they Created a system and sasid they could remove it “If they saw it was gonna be a problem”

the comparison is a flawed one and tbh unfit for purpose

nothing to do with balls, its to do with tolerance. some players will deal with it, some wont. just because u personally cant stand the system doesnt make it a game breaker for everyone else.

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It is more about having the resolve to give up on the time and money investment one made in the game over many years.

Breaking point (where a positive value means unsub) = Dissatisfaction - (investment + tolerance)

If not for the feeling of investment, I know that I would had stopped forever during WoD when I realized the removed the challenge mode armors and cloak that I was seeing all over the place.

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A game is a product like any other good. It’s made to be sold. Subscription-based MMO is a product that you pay for in longer term than “here and now”, so it’s even more important to keep your customers happy. The players, AKA the customers, tell you they want something, it’s reasonable to find out what exactly they want, why, and how to achieve it so they pay for your game and everyone’s happy. But there are two kinds of business in the world.

Good business asks their customers what they would like and why, so they are happy and pay for the goods.
Bad business ignores their customers’ expectations and is very surprised when they leave.

Good business tries to find out why customers didn’t like something. Do they want it improved, changed in some way, or they prefer something else? The important thing is to find out and then supply what the customers want.
Bad business tries to feed the customers what they don’t like, pretends to listen and then do their own thing anyway, doesn’t care to find out why customers don’t like the goods or straight-out ignore it.

Good business has no need to hide their subscription numbers - they’re proud of demand for their goods and if for some reason the numbers decrease, they try to find out what’s wrong and remedy it.
Bad business shows their sub numbers when they’re rising and hides them when they’re bad and then pretends they’re still great so no action is taken to find out why they’re bad and fix it.

Guess which of those two ActiBlizz is.

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And a thing that allows some bad businesses to keep going is their monopoly on something essential or popular. Something they might have had started before they declined to bad companies

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Yeah, there are two ways to win a competition if your goods are bad and just won’t sell, the customer service is rude and unhelpful, and your business’ rep is so bad, even the EA has more positive image.

Try to make better goods that are in higher demand, like a normal business.

Or try to burn the opponent’s shop, like mafia or Soviet Union.

Like ActiBlizz is trying (metaphorically) every time they release expansion, it’s just accidental that they always try to outrush something else. Like SWTOR. Or Xmas. Or this year Cyberpunk. Or a stupid deadline that they themselves in their folly made too short. And every time they try, they get small gains short term, and big losses long term. Stupid, stupid corp.

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Why would they want to do that with Cyberpunk, it is not even multiplayer game

The only one I remembered the name of from the list of stuff that will be released in November. You know, just after Shadowlands goes live. Just google “november 2020 game releases” and there are whole lists of stuff. Guarantee ActiBlizz is trying to overshadow at least one of them.

They cannot overshadow anything that CDPR makes right now.
They get free promotion via word of mouth, memes and actually good reputation.

They have one of the coolest twitter handler among any game dev. They even dare to make bad jokes in times everything has to be so neat and correct.

Well yes. but Not everyone really has reached a Point they feel like they need to quit.

im not a fan of Power locking on convenants… but am i going to honestly be that affected? No

the BiS choice will go up on the matter, u just have to pick it and say YOLO.

we know tghe “Meaningful choice” is BS, and i find it unlikely we’ll see the meta permanantly flitter between 2 of the convenants continously… so the whole “go back to a convenant” may never need utilising to begin with.

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I get that, but at least personally I think that the WoW expansions these days are releasing in a state that does does not warrant playing them much until X.2 and after.


The number of abilities is totally irrelevant: their impact and balance is. One OP ability is plenty enough to be an issue.

Currently some of these abilities are totally unbalanced: we’ll see what happens after they try to tune or even redesign some of them.


FTFY. If they want me to pay for the game, I expect it to be finished, polished product, not the untested, rushed beta. If I wanted to be a beta tester, I’d apply for that position, and I’d expect to get paid, not to pay.

That’s because Blizzard keeps thinking they know best and that their vision will ultimately work despite negative feedback during development, until they find out in Live their vision fails to deliver and have to patch things up.

Maybe this time their vision will deliver, maybe yet again it will not.