Update from Ion in Shadowlands Beta General Discussion Forums

So no ripcord?

They cannot do it. Look at the past to see how they did there.

Was there Ever once a time where every single class in the game was balanced equally? NOPE!

It will be exactly like that, the horrible execution of equally balanced classes, they have done for years. One is balanced, rest of the other 3 is utter crap. And it will be like that the entire expansion.

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I used to live in PUgs and do OpenRaids and what-not, but some point I run out of Steam. I actually believe most players are reasonable and cool, but its always that negative aspect that has stronger impact. I do not think that Covenants and Conduits would be between wipe-and-kill in most scenarios, but is not a solo game.

Just like I do not think that DKs really have option between DW and 2h frost … since 2h frost currently is just as bad as it was before it was removed.

So all we can do is hope that Blizzard really takes the numbers game seriously.

Okay I know you all have been waiting for my opinion about covenants. I havent said anything yet but I cant stay quiet anymore. I get so many emails every day asking when are you going to release your official statement Nivmie it’s getting abusrd. I had to go invis on battle.net but people kept whispering me anyway. I honestly think that not being able to switch covenants insantly might be painful for a tiny percent of the community. Maybe top 50 guilds. Guys who are going for a full mythic clear before 1st raid nerf. Other than that people are obsessed with not being able to switch them when in reality it wont make a big difference either way. The only downside to covenants at the moment will be picking ‘most powerful’ one just to see it getting nerfed after first big hotfix. People need to chill out and try to have fun. Vast majority of you doesnt even min max your toons and I’m not talking about enchants but literally studying every encounter, warcraftlogs replays to put your cooldowns in the most efficient way. There it is.


You are missing the picture.

It is not about the top 50 guilds, it is about the fact that people may have fully decked out specs which they have to run on sub optimal settings in PvP/PvE/Raiding because Ion said so.


and that’s perfectly fine. People are obsessed with “min maxing” while they misuse their cooldowns or waste tons of time cause of bad positioning. Give me a break.


If at least the class specific abilities were seperated from the rest of the convenant.
Being “stuck” to a conveant is not the end of the world. But why does the one with the most fun ability also have to be the one with the most ugly armor set I’ve evern seen?

At least now I know how hunters must have felt when new tiers sets were shown.

How is this fine, when it is blizz made issue trough and trough?

This is disregarding stat diminishing returns, legos or “buffs or nerfs”, it is flat out Ion said so.

I’d love to see more than one viable build for each class so people can actually play what they enjoy instead of being obsessed with min maxing while doing heroic raids.


Can’t wait for the stats after a month when like 90% of DKs are in Night Fae :smiley:


Would you be kind enough to stop setting up the strawman?

What does heroic have to do with that? And what if people find it enjoyable to do exactly min maxing?

Like come on - do you really think that you need to be in a famed slayer guild in order to want to play at your best?

Or pandas for the food buff.

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I quite like that alts don’t have to repeat the whole questline and have alternate way to level up.


You do realise the top 50 guilds are more likely to have a ‘mage’ (or insert suitable class here) in each covenant ready. They are the types of people to go to extreme lengths.

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and I’d consider that as painful

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I don’t think Niv considers people that are not in his playstyle category.

I just saw somewhere such a beatutiful line that i have to post it here

To me this whole covenant thing is so much anti fun. You can not have fun with other abilities that are available for your spec. Just going for an evening or weekend or week for something diverse for fun is 2 weeks punishment. I so dislike this whole system, it couldnt be worse.

It can end up with 2 situations; 1 it will never be balanced and you pick the meta, or it is balanced and fun, and you are kicked out of 75% of that fun. So bad… so bad.


Top 50 Mythic guilds will find a way. They always do. It is only illusory to believe that people will learn to live with their choices (or someone else’s). For every one guild that allows their members to pick as they wish, there are 3 other “elitist” ones that won’t accept your application because your Covenant is wrong. “Ven’thyr Prio for M+” might as well end up splashed across several requirements in guilds and PuGs.

When someone thinks “min-maxing”, they take into account only the 1%… While conveniently forgetting that they checked IcyVeins, WoWHead, YouTube or Class Discords for suggestions for builds and advice.

Very excited to see the saturation of a few classes in Covenant hubs…


Blizzard will never give you your money back, ever. They are not the most customer friendly company… and they don’t need to be as people will keep giving them money nevertheless. If you truly don’t want to play anymore then stop crying and leave. You’re still giving them traffic.

Guess we’re in for the trainwreck then.

I look forward to the mea culpa a year or two from now when they finally do pull the plug on this. :sunglasses:

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All Ion had to do was keep quiet lol he coulda just said there and then, “no this our vision going forward and is 99% likely not to be changed, although, we may…may…think about making some changes”, or something to that effect.

Nah, instead he dangled “the Ripcord” infront of everyone, and literally got peoples hopes up that if it wasn’t gona work out and the vast majority did not fancy this current setup, then they would change everything and let us choose freely or at least make it all a hell of alot easier etc.

Social media did what it always does and threw a hashtag on it etc but so many players clearly don’t agree or want this.

I’m not saying anyone is “right” or “wrong”, but I will say that Ion deserves alot of flak coming his and the companies way. He dangled that ripcord shizz infront of players like fresh bait and now seemingly has just decided, “nah folks, it is what it is”. IMHO it was gonna be like this from before the interview with Preach even, as far covenants go, and him and the sqaud knew.

My two golds worth.