Or in other words, they are listening, but they don’t care and are doing it anyway.
hey boys ion here let me create a flawed system and then try to fix it afterwards
And did they learn anything from BfA experience ?
They learned that people will still be stringed along by empty promises
Yeah dream about getting me a second time , first time I didn’t knew what was to happen or your team , keep dreaming about selling me a copy with promises, promises only concern those who believed them.
I will wait until I see it implemented with my own eyes and you had better had more customisation options because 3 haircuts per main races and a few gross/vulgar make up and lame jewelry isn’t kickin it and don’t start me with ethnic character i always culd create a completely black skinned or very tan skinned human male or female.
Try again HARDER, like you would get ME or some others who won’t buy it like that pfff…
I decided I would stick a few months more with Classic and nothing is gonna change my mind, NOTHING .
hasn’t this been the issue for years though? nearly a decade? they keep doing what “they” want, and then expect us to like it, even if we say its a bad idea “cough cough” azerite gear “cough cough”.
making your own thing for your own reasons is fine. in fact, the way it should be.
BUT then if you expect to push it on other people, why should you be surprised if some, or even many dont share your appreciation or vision?
again, just look at the hemoraging that the game has had since following Ion’s game.
Of course they know they can’t balance Covenants across all specs, classes and activities.
Of course they understand tying player’s power to a story choice is a bad idea for an MMO.
This is not about whether they can or can’t pull the ripcord, but rather whether they want it or not.
And they most certainly don’t. Because when player John sees that he is good with Covenant A in M+ and good with Covenant B in raiding, what’s John gonna do? He’ll try to switch back and forth, of course.
But what if its impossible because it takes way too long on a single character? Then player John will either have to suck it up and play in Covenant A for everything (casual player approach), or create a second character for Covenant B (hardcore player approach)
First case: changes nothing for Blizzard, so that’s okey. Second case: since player John will have to maintain 2 characters, he will have to spend more time playing, time that he has to pay Blizzard for, so that’s good for them. As goblins say “time is money”
So you see, the whole “pull the ripcord” thing was nothing more then a PR stunt, it was never gonna happen.
Some good words about PVP vendors. I will wait patiently.
#PullTheRipcord on all the player power in the covenants+ soulbinds.
I and lots others do not care what you believe in your stupid convoluted systems, it is us who pay for and play this game and not some ex raider dev who probably gets boosted by fanboys.
I will not “atone” for a vow I would not have to make if you had not created the need for a vow. It is the Covenants that should be pledging themselves to the player for literally saving their souls instead of the covenants engaging in tsundere play with the player (“We do not really want you back, Baka! Baka!, b-b-but if you insist we could be convinced otherwise… blush”)
I will play (and pay for) the bare minimum I need to see the main story and then I will go back to playing all the many other games I would be playing without WoW taking up my time.
Lets see what portion of the existing players will have the same reaction.
First the limited timed availability of cosmetics + (the gating of) Flying and mission tables, Legiondaries, artifacts and relics, then Azerite armor + essences+ limited time Brutosaur+ Corruptions…Now Covenant abilities + Soulbinds + SlightlyBetterLegiondaries.
Ion and whoever else he represents keep Generating problems for the game
They have no vision, they have a hallucination just like a lot of devs who simply inherited already well known, established franchises do these days.
I really don’t care about covenant swap being on a Cooldown.
You should pick whats best for your MAIN spec and content.
If I am forced to pve like in bfa, will I take PvE bis covenant ? Of course no, i don’t care, i’m gonna stick with the pvp one.
Your call your choice, you still pay for the game.
Yeah, I just feel bad for any people who placed enough trust in Blizzard to pay them for more than 1 month at a time and regretted it.
Always monthly payments for me. It is worth the extra cost to not be a captive audience, the difference is the cost of 1-2 beers.
They are listening. Ion has several times listened to the feedback on it.
They have nerfed everything to do with the systems down massively to prevent them being a problem recent highlights says the only major DPS increase now are conduits and their universal.
For example, BM hunters legendaries are litterally azerite traits.
I cannot see the convenants being that much of a issue given this as they are nerfed into the ground. And while there are some super strong choices it’s very likely they’re also gonna get nerfed over the next couple of weeks.
Them disagreeing with the playerbase isn’t “not listening”
Not saying they’re making the right choice or aren’t being stubborn. But to accuse them of not listening is dishonest.
Given the lack of requirement to do anything I don’t think this is entirely true they’ve made almost all content optional. With a half a hour chore on a weekly reset
I don’t think this is some cash grab at a engagement tool, I think this is just a case they want to try something new and the playerbase doesn’t want that something new
They don’t need to pull something like this to get that. Most serious raiding guilds have always made it compulsory to have more then 1 character
And alot of the more casual playerbase make alot of Alts anyway. There’s no incentive on doubling down if the playerbase already behave in the way they’re aiming for.
Convenant power is annoying. I doubt imma quit the game over it though outside of it the game seems pretty damn solid. And convenants look 100x better then azerite gear and corruptions.
I’d take any system in SL over BFA
This is a simple case of Dev v Playerbase… they want to push more “meaningful choice” into the game and the playerbase don’t want it.
I think it is.
When one asks their ribeye steak to be cooked Rare, the shop should not say they listened but they disagree and that it will be cooked well done.
1 ability.
Stop worrying.
That’s a silly analogy.
A steak is made to order. A game is not.
You are playing a developer’s vision of what this game is.
Whether you like or dislike that vision is up to you and you can decide whether that game is then worth your money or not.
Ultimately you don’t get to tell the developer how to make their game. It’s THEIR game.
I wish they could take up their effing visions/hallucinations and make their own new IPs instead of altering established ones (that they did not even originally created themselves) beyond recognition.
We will see if enough people got the figurative balls to vote with their wallets on this.
I am tired of the circle of “We have a vision and we will take things that direction====> Ok we admit we got it wrong in spite of all the feedback we rejected but we will get it right next time =(over 1 year later)=>We have a vision and we will take things that direction==(over 1 year later)==> Ok we admit we got it wrong in spite of all the feedback we rejected but we will get it right next time ====>”
If they keep making any increasing or stable profit from the game after this then it is all our fault as players
i dont think thats a good comparison at all, A Restaurant is paid to deliever what you want. a Company is Paid to develope a Game and what goes into that game is generally what the comapny wants
if they asked the playerbase “Which would u prefer” and u picked one and then they took the opposite choice, u could proclaim ignorance.
Disagreeing with someone isnt ignoring them.
you werent given a Menu of Options to choose from, Convenants were never said “do u want them?”. they Created a system and sasid they could remove it “If they saw it was gonna be a problem”
the comparison is a flawed one and tbh unfit for purpose
We will see if enough people got the figurative balls to vote with their wallets on this.
I am tired of the circle of “We have a vision and we will take things that direction====> Ok we admit we got it wrong in spite of all the feedback we rejected but we will get it right next time =(over 1 year later)=>We have a vision and we will take things that direction==(over 1 year later)==> Ok we admit we got it wrong in spite of all the feedback we rejected but we will get it right next time ====>”
nothing to do with balls, its to do with tolerance. some players will deal with it, some wont. just because u personally cant stand the system doesnt make it a game breaker for everyone else.
It is more about having the resolve to give up on the time and money investment one made in the game over many years.
Breaking point (where a positive value means unsub) = Dissatisfaction - (investment + tolerance)
If not for the feeling of investment, I know that I would had stopped forever during WoD when I realized the removed the challenge mode armors and cloak that I was seeing all over the place.