Update problem

Something went wrong with a file. We’re not sure what caused it, so please try again or click the code below for more information. Sorry about that!

After i click update i get this error. Repair doesnt work


Hey there Beastillness,

I’m sorry to hear that you’re having troubles updating the game. Unfortunately there are several different error codes associated with this error text, and each of these can have a number of different causes.

The “code below” mentioned in the error should be a link to a specific support article, can you ensure that you have tried all the suggested steps from that guide, and if you still encounter problems please let us know the specific error code and we will be able to look into this further for you.

Same there. I am still in the process of repairing so cannot tell much more.
The attached support article:

edit: am late

Same… https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/23418

Same here.

Tried scan and repair, nothing.
Doing re-install of bnet app didn’t work

Same boat here. Just updated.

So deleted wow folder and let bnet install it again. Took few minutes but back in game again, for now

So I have used the repair, but then my update was stuck on “awaiting another update” which could not be omitted (sorry for not an exact quote, not English client).

I fully restarted (no fast boot) the computer as suggested and not sure if it’s related but I noticed a Windows Update (W10) being in progress.

After coming back, my update completed properly and I am logged in! :slight_smile:

I’m having the same issue, https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/23418
I run repair alas to no avail. I restarted my client since after repair it was stuck on endless “Awaiting another update” and was able to update only to get the same error message.
Low Key stuck right now.

same… damn

repair dont work…rly need uinistal? wau

i do uinstall and still have same problem wtf… nice job rly

Hey, had the same problem. Some researching in the US Forums helped:

You either do a complete restart of the PC or find the Battlenet Voice proxy in the Task Manager and kill it. Worked for me :slight_smile: Good luck


I let Avast (Antivirus) update and then restarted the computer, I guess it was mostly the latter that fixed it, as suggested above, but if you’re using Avast, check for a program update.

thank you so much for this,
fixed my issue and i am back in the game