[Updated 14/3] Join Hearthstone’s 10-Year Anniversary!

It is such a fun event, i love that the lags are so bad i can’t even hit the event boss :slight_smile:
Who wants loot anyway, eh?



You know I thought it was bad enough when I could see the boss but not tag it due to lag, but then I had one with lag so bad that I didn’t even get to see it alive. It appeared for me already dead.

In almost a decade of playing retail I’ve not seen world lag as horrendous as this.

SW was bugged with the portal spawning far more than it should. So I went on one of my Ally Pallies and did it there. They have since fixed the issue with SW and it’s just regular spawn on rotation now.

Today I got the bag on my main which is a Horde Pala. Took four kills to get it.

It is abit of a disaster, isnt it?
Durotar is the worst one for me, huge crowds, insane lag and DCs.

oh, also still waiting for my hearthsteed mount!!

Got 3 or 4 bag ovr,still no mount…

I am sick of your disgusting FOMO Blizzard.
This event is garbage with its damn hourly lagged boss with an RNG drop.

This is the straw that breaks the camel’s back so I believe this is the time to start not supporting you. I thought Blizzard’s greed was caused by the people that were in charge but now with Microsoft already in charge and all these disgusting actions being increased?

I was wrong. There is no hope. You are a rotten company and I don’t want to support you anymore.

I am sure when this event finishes I will cancel my subscription and never purchase any game from you, including the next expansion.

From now on this game and the whole company is dead for me.


they will appreciate that

I would rather not have these promotional events for other trash blizzard games in wow just to get the fomo items. Especially if they are fixed timed events implemented in a comically incompetent way like this diablo4 event, sorry I mean this hearthstone event.


on our realm SW is the bad one, crashing, DrBoom killing all 40 people in a 3 sec stun where nobody can heal or cd themselves

Im only missing Bag and a 5 cards too. not abused anything, just logged in every hour during work and at the evening, did only on 1 char

Looted 8 times so far and all I got is 8 Hearthstone Wild Cards. But no worries, it’s unique (10), so before long I’ll be looting nothing.

is it just me or is anyone else doing the event and not able to loot?

The boobie prize is usually to get a wild card, if you have 9-10 of them already, then you won’t be able to pick any more up.

Best to just keep destroying them tbh.

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12 portals done
Only got loot from the first kills of the day
Mount yesterday, belt today. No cards so far


This is so cute :dracthyr_love_animated:


Has anyone got any loot of the event? I got now and not even on the first kill of the day.

6 kill today. only 1 loot…blizz fixed it XD