[Updated 14/3] Join Hearthstone’s 10-Year Anniversary!

I managed to get everything now too. The bag was missing, but a friend gave me his (said he didn’t need it on the alt it dropped for), so I’m still doing the event with an alt of my own to return the favor.

I got everything now. The hat was the last to drop. Must have done twenty kills or so. Guess I’m lucky.
As to collecting all all the cards without relying on RNG, there’s a trick to it (technically, it’s not a trick).
But I wont spoil.

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Got lucky with the mount (2nd attempt), now I can farm the other things in a more relaxed way. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Yes, happened three times today!

You all just whine these days. Just remove all the damn events why dont you. You want everything just handed to you. With those changes would you rather just have an NPC that lets you choose your items?

Pointless. Such a huge influx of people crying about even putting in a little bit of time.

You are not meant to be killing it over and over. Its a once per day per account for pet,mount, other things like that.

False info. No lock-out after a loot.


you have been misinformed. you can kill it on the same character whenever it spawns.
and try to join other LFG groups to kill and loot it right after the kill. no need to wait!

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Or, hear me out - We want actual content we can do when WE want.
MoP Scenarios, Islands, Torghast — things we could do on OUR time, however many times we want.
Our progress would be dictated by Us, not by RNG + “Be online when game tells you”.


Actually having content that isn’t just a limited time only would be a disaster for metrics, I mean it’ll be great for the player, but since when did they matter?

uff dropped, hat, tabard, toy but not the mount…

I didn’t keep track of how many kills it took me to get it all but just keep killing and keep getting rid of the wild cards in your bags would be my advice.

RNG can be a cruel mistress ofc. I had various kills where I got nothing but the drop rate seems quite generous otherwise.

I did most of mine in raid groups, the lag is insane at times especially peak times but you can sometimes find slower groups still up in the group finder after you’ve killed your one. Just leave, search and apply to another.

I keep forgetting to log on at the hour mark and always remember 10 mins too late :sweat_smile:
Think i’ve killed the boss only 3 times so far haha

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Set an alarm on your mobile

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For some reason keeping 10 cards in my bag led to seemingly better drops for some reason.

RNG timed events are NOT fun. Stop doing it!


So the alliancification of WoW continues… switched to PVP or create an Ally character for the Stormwind event, while in Durotar the Alliance comes and goes with complete freedom

The event did lagg so bad that i didn’t get any loot even if i fought the boss from 100% → 0%!
There goes my chance for they day.
People with job and family do not have time to sit and wait for a event every hour and then on top of that get nothing due to lagg and rng!

And the event collides with superbloom too! GG!

Did you not learn anything from the diablo event? Why “ctrl C” everything that are bad!

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Looks like the event got extended until the 22nd.

still no mount…