[Updated 4/11] November’s Trading Post is Out of this World

I think most of the weapons look great this month too.

Whats the reason for not getting the horde version of spectral mount when you buy the alliance version?

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It’s no secret that tenders will be available to buy on the in-game store one day.

So more mounts, more money.

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ofc but still super unnecessary

Worst reward easily from trading post. Dagger and sword looks the same, just a small size difference, Staff is decent, else there is no other 2h weapon, and no ranged. Laziest rewards I’ve seen so far from trading post, but i’ve not played every months since release.

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I only bought 3 things this month.
The sepia scarf and hood and the big hat.

The most disappointing month so far for me.

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cant even afford 2 of the mounts and i want the pet so bad, i also already have another mount on freeze from earlier so i can see this is intentional if there will be tender that you can buy in a few days. Im already broke from buying blizzcon stuff and 1 year sub :joy:

I bought a zhevra, the incredibly overpriced pet/companion plus I think I put something on ice, but can’t remember what.

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Yea same the Zhevra i felt was a must have but im 50 short from buying the other mount or pet :pensive:

Bought the Spectral Wind Rider [Horde], my alliance character didn’t get the Spectral Gryphon… :expressionless:

Maybe I have to wait out the 2 hour refund window.

Lucky you, only costs €90 to get 1000 more Tenders pre-ordering the next expansion! :stuck_out_tongue:

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