[UPDATED 8 JUNE] Introducing the Community Discords Program!

I thought you ignored me?


Maybe you could move on to something else, but still on topic other than trying to claim things about me that aren’t true.


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Maybe it’s just me but I don’t get why you two keep going seeing as this discussion isn’t going anywhere. Seems like you both could do something better with your time, like lvling snails for rep.

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I hope you are taking good care of my shield!


I am! Got the set ready for it and everything once I swap to Alliance in a week :slight_smile:

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The biggest facepalm, Blizz :grin: :grin: :joy: :joy:

Blizzard you do know some of this is completely illegal in the Eu? have you sacked all in inhouse lawyers, how dumb are u??


Another way for Blizzard to spy on us, great. Can’t wait for them to invade our private discussions and steal our secrets. #NoThanksBlizzard #Warcraft"


This tweet was generated by ChatGPT 3.5 - I just thought it would be funny to post it here because its quite funny that an AI would have this opinion :smiley:


You keep adding proviso’s of Blizz would not do this, and this would not happen. So on the one hand your are stating that you are no legal expert when people complain. Then two comments later revert back to telling people that it is not as bad as it looks.

You have the green text of weight in what you say. People will believe that crap, when really they should be careful about what they sign up to. Because of these comments Blizz have said they will revisit the contract details. That would not happen with people saying “everything is fine”.


Topic summary:

Blizzard out of touch. No surprise
Green folks try to defend the idea. No surprise

Don’t iterate over the idea just drop it and introduce your own discords without polluting the current ones with your data mining bot.

You already ignore feedback during ptr. So what is the need of additional input you can ignore.


Quite the opposite. MVP’s carry no weight whatsoever in Blizzards decisions, in fact that joke of a Community Council carries more sway (and thats just an echo chamber for the chosen ones to say what they want - its still pretty much ignored)

Think you will find they are also pretty scathing about stuff they dont like in game - they also aint as bulletproof as most people like to think


As you can see all my green text has got me is attacked and presumptions made. People have done nothing but make up stuff or spin what I have said.

I have not added a proviso. I have not stated everything is fine.

My green text deserves the same treatment as any white text poster, not to constantly be misconstrued, misrepresented or quoted out of context.


To be fair people make up stuff or spin what you said regardless if you have green text or not. It happened to me just yesterday. If it’s not green text, it’s how many achievement points you have, and so on. That’s the forum.

Absolutely agree :100:

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I think every white text poster had received the the same response with the first entrance you made to this post.

Was just unlucky that you have not read the contract first I guess.


it’s not about weight on blizzard’s decision, it’s about what users may think. a user might come in and see an mvp saying ‘‘it’s fine it’s normal’’ and believe what they say without hesitation because they have a good reputation. they should be more careful when they’re talking about legal stuff . also like i said they kept saying that it was a misunderstanding which is not even close to what the actual issue is. sometimes people should just be able to say ‘‘i was wrong, you’re right to be concerned about a legal agreement’’ but no, things will always evolve into different arguements.


I have read the contract.

I never said ‘it’s fine it’s normal’.

Ehm ok then…

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While I understand being under scrutiny from so many people are hard to handle, I hope you also understand why it is happening. While you might not have meant what many (if not the vast majority) is taking from your choice of words, it is anyhow what is coming across. Now you are fighting at all fronts trying to ‘defend’ your opinions and trying to do damage control so your words are not taken out of context and misunderstood from your own point of view (if I am charitable).

From what I read this is what I got from you: You kind of had the “it is not so bad as you guys believe it to be” (downplaying the issue), “you guys dont understand and/or are confused” (belittling us, including the guys who had lawyers read this, not a smart popularity move), “Blizzard would never…” (I mean, come on), “This project is a good thing!” (As you stated yourself, this did not include the contract, but your support seems to have bled over onto the contract as we go on). My point here is not for you to defend yourself yet again, it is to make you understand what people get from your words. Hopefully that you take that in and this part of this thread can finally die.

If you read the first wording of the contract, it was bad - like real bad. The following drafts removed the “We will do everything in this contract to hammer you down, if it is illegal in your jurisdiction, we will skip that step but do anything else we can get away with and more.” threats. They worded it more to be “We will ban you from our platform.” The whole “Dont speak bad about blizzard or any of its friends” was really bad. Then you also have the “please install spyware and let us modify your server at our request.” parts.

Again, please don’t try to defend yourself with “I don’t believe they would do this”, “I feel you guys are too stupid to understand” or “They would not do that.” because in a contract what you feel or think doesn’t matter. Only what can be exploited out of the letter of the word means anything - especially when there is no overarching spirit of the contract other than “This is blizzards rights, this is our stick and here is the rules we want you to follow.”

So, as I respect you. You are usually a good guy just doing a good thing. Please, take a step back from this. Accept that you either came off totally wrong or accept that your opinion is not very liked.

I don’t want your name to forever be tainted by dying on this hill, step down. Blizzard ducked up here. You can still walk away (If you are bound by some contract and you cant, do know, we wont hold it against you - you can go on as you have).

Now, please, again, stop pouring fuel on the fire. If you walk away, it will burn out and you won’t be grilled anymore. This thread can talk more about the contract and less about your personal opinions on how good/bad it really is, compared to others. You wont change popular opinion, you won’t get a win vs the trolls (who got popular opinion on their side) and you cant win because the whole floor you are standing on is rotting and falling apart.


I’m having lies made up about me and presented as fact by a few posters.

That’s is what is happening, others then jump on those lies as if they are actually things I have said. Which I have not.

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I hope you trust me that I do not look at you unfavourably, but I got the same out of your words as you are trying to defend did not happen.

You are hardlocked in. Please, step back. Eat, take a shower and regroup your mind. Do a mental reset.

You don’t have to defend yourself from their ‘lies’, because their lies are too close to the truth. So everyone reads that as you trying to reinforce your stance on the ‘lies’, making it worse for you overall.

You are now a target, please walk away and let things heal.