[UPDATED 8 JUNE] Introducing the Community Discords Program!

I did think about the classic line from Gangsters: “Nice place, you wanna keep it that way?” as it does have a protection racket vibe to it for sure.

… pretty sure this is one of the things I would not be free to say on one of these Discord servers.

No, its not “literally” zero.

Why is the possibility even being put on the table then? What has to happen for a red flag to appear in your mind?

I also don’t believe its the main intention of the contract, I believe its a well intentioned thing that lawyers got hold of and butchered because, well, they are lawyers.

But the outcome is clear, what wasn’t a possibility before, is now one.

And there are plenty of examples of Corporations being overly litigious to protect their IP. You don’t hear about it because when Goliath takes on David he normally makes him sign an NDA after it. (David normally chooses not to give up his life savings to fight the battle)

No, but again, reading between the lines you’re falling on the “golly gee, why would Blizz sue you” side of the fence rather than the “OMG they’ve opened the door to the possibility” side. If you aren’t crystal clear in what you are saying then people will interpret it, usually in line with their biases.

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Also to my knowledge, Discord doesn’t allow bots to harvest information so what blizzard asks goes against Discords own ToS.

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They can but they need written permission from Discord themselves and Blizzard would have to agree to Discord being able to change/modify/remove any parts of the bot at discords discretion without notice

Terms of Service | Lawliet Discord Bot (lawlietbot.xyz)

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Ok not zero but the likelihood is about the same as the sun would collide with earth tonight!

But by all means you guys can be super careful about you information while sitting on “public” internet with a pc/phone that has TOS/EULA too that you accepted without hesitation!

You see the problem? If you don’t live in a cave without any connection with the society will you have to accept shady agreements!

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Not remotely.


How do you know Blizzard are not already in your discord servers? :thinking:

it’s not about that, they are in many discords but they don’t have any saying in most of them

There’s nothing shady about Blizzard’s TOS agreement. it’s not the same thing and it doesn’t give them any right to sue us or take legal actions against us when we talk bad about them.
if you want an example, i read tiktok’s TOS and found it pretty bad and didn’t sign up to the app. that’s how things work .


i want community telegram program

Lol, my post on this thread got removed because reasons. Not gonna stick around to be censored. Bye folks.


That’s my whole point!

Off topic:

I agree that TikTok and other social media have horrific contracts! And I did the same as you: I didn’t sign up for their product!

I think it is kinda interesting that so many people distrust blizzard! It says something about their relationship with the customers!

Like Breaths said there’s absolutely nothing shady in TOS, as it is constructed within customers rights frame.

This program is special relation, hence why new additional contract :man_shrugging:

Thank you for the response. But I have to say that the initial agreement has already done irreversible damage for some discord leaders. For example the Argent Dawn Stormwind Discord I am part of already said they will not join this program, despite having interest in it on first glance. But the 1st agreements harsh expectations were already enough to kill any interest for this program.

That being said, I hope you folks at Blizzard are aware that even with an overhaul of the terms of this agreement, that the child has already been fallen into the river. Don’t expect many contributors joining.

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You guys are too skeptic for no reason, all they want is to get closer to community and check the pulse. who is sayin what, who is complaining about what, who likes what… who wants to pay, who doesn’t want to pay, why they don’t pay, why they do pay…

Perhaps they want to create new Shilliesin and Shillitels, MrGMs :smirk:

Besides these are discord communities, if people have concerns about privacy or freedom they must start with uninstalling discord from all their devices, hueh.

Oh yeah sure. More like a person pointing a weapon at us and demanding we are bonding with them, considering the early draft of that agreement treaty.

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Because the contract in its form DOES.

It might not be their GOAL, but by signing the contract, you agree that they have the right to do so in case you do or say this or that.

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It’s clear you feel that way.

I do hope the next iteration is easier for people to understand and changes are made that are more agreeable to communities.

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I cannot believe that you make a statement in this fashion. Would you sign away your house or your parent’s house as guarantor to that fact?
Of course you would not.

Trust is not a guarantee. To put this in the extreme, look at what Credit Suisse did with the AT1 bonds. There was no clause to protect the investors. Consequently they took the option to zero out $17b in bonds. Anyone who owned those bonds had the rug pulled from under them, and there is not a thing they can do about it.

If there is an option in a contract, then there is always the chance it will be acted upon. simply stating they would not do this is no protection.

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People seem to be very keen to paint me out to be supporting the contract or other presumptions. I will repeat, that I stated that the contract is written in legalese that most don’t understand. I have stated repeatedly, to no avail, that it should come have come in plain English. I think the initiative is a positive one but the feedback/concerns are valid from discord owners/communities. Blizzard have taken this on board and made a post saying they are going to review it. However, I do think some are taking this a bit far, Blizzard is not looking for a way to take over community discords, it’s not looking for a way to sue people. For some reason making any observation that is not jumping on the bandwagon is met with these kinds of comments. The reason that people believe all these things goes right back to my point about it being in legalese.

The contract for buying my house was a lot bigger than this contract, and I had a conveyancer (solicitor) handle it. In the whole scheme of things when buying a house, paying for legal service to handle it, is not a huge cost. It is however unreasonable to expect players/communities to have to engage the services of a solicitor to get on board with this initiative. I have never advocated people should sign this if they are unsure what it says, in fact you should never sign a contract for anything that you’ve not read or can’t understand. I have never said it was wrong to object to the contract. I think it’s unreasonable for people to be expected to get legal advice to enter into this arrangement with Blizzard.

I look forward to seeing what they come up with. As do many others.

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