[UPDATED 8 JUNE] Introducing the Community Discords Program!

The current contract simply ask’s for far too much for far too little


Luckily in the EU you can anonymously give data privacy supervisors a hint to investigate companies for free. That’s what I will do instantly when they introduce this


No, you haven’t. But regardless of that, my take, and other peoples is that you’re doing contortions to show it in a positive light. You may disagree but - for what little - its worth, thats how its seen.

This isn’t meant as an attack, and I’m too cynical but I see a lot of minuses in this where you are seeing the plusses.


agreeing with you hurts a bit but yes , that’s the problem with their take. saying ‘‘don’t assume’’ and then assuming that it won’t happen. keep saying that ‘‘it’s misunderstood’’ no we all can read that document since most of us are adults and it’s not our first time of seeing a legal doc. we can understand it. we just look at it from a different angle.

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People calm down! Blizzard literally said that they would look into the contract!

And for gods sake: blizzard will not sue you for any comment or opinion you may have! If you break TOS/EULA will you at top (maybe) get suspended or banned!

Do you really think that they will process anything in court that cost them plenty of money when they have nothing to gain from it?

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I think the idea of a tie in with some wow communities and rewarding those with giveaways etc is a positive. My first response was a direct reply to something different, so it’s a bit out of context. The context was someone inferring that the initiative meant Blizzard was struggling. I didn’t agree. That some will always make out that every little thing is a sign that WoW is dying/failing etc.

The way that contract reads it’s hard for people to understand what is expected or what they are getting into. I don’t see that pointing out no one is getting sued can be twisted.

However it does not matter how many times I’ve said the contract is written in legalese, and that it needs to be in basic English that is all ignored for the usual OOH YOU MVP YOU BAD. Nor have I dismissed people’s actual concerns where they are applicable.


When did i say that i believe that Blizzard will sue me over comment?

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Honestly in todays world I wouldn’t give any company and or government the benefit of the doubt when it comes to these kinds of things ^^


we can’t assume things when it’s about legal stuff. even if there’s a 0.001% chance of getting sued, it’s still a risk and they should not ask to have the right to sue over things people say on community discords . right now they have no saying on those discords and i don’t see anyone bashing blizzard randomly. they usually defend them tbh so that part of the agreement is pointless and unnecessary

It comes down to the fact that any communication with the discord wow communities and Blizzard has to be on an equal footing for it to be a viable option for any community to be involved and I do not see how that would be possible for Blizzard themselves as they have certain legal obligations

The contract was clearly designed to protect all aspects of the communication between Blizzard and the communities in Blizzard’s favor. Sadly it means the contract is in no way acceptable for a large community that has existed for a long time to accept. At least the communities that have the best interests of their members as a core ideal


Blizz: “My thats a nice place you’ve set up there, mind if I come and play?”
Me: “Err, ok sure.”
Blizz “Ok, just sign this first, it allows me to install cameras and microphones that I can look at anytime for any reason I see fit. You aren’t allowed to say anything ‘negative’ about me, ever. And nor is anyone else that plays here.”
Me: “Why are you being shadowed by two guys with knuckledusters and baseball bats?”
Blizz: “Don’t worry bout them, never used them before” but I can, whenever I want. “Want to sign?”

But they can be sued. Blizz are even talking about “irreparable harm” in there (as if) which means the sky is the limit.

Sure, its voluntary but theres a power disparity here. One side has lawyers and limitless coffers, the also have knowledge aplenty. On the other side, there is some schmuck who just like hunters or something who “could” be in deep legal :poop: . It’s not probable, or even likely but the fact that its even possible is horryfying.


summed it up perfectly

We can’t either assume that “big corp” will sue you for every stuff you do that they don’t agree with! They care about money = customers = reputation!
It would not give blizzard anything but negative PR and also negative cash flow to sue random subscribers!

But if your discord are doing shady stuff like RMT that break EULA/TOS and the copyright laws could you possibly get sued by activison! Example: honorbuddy during MoP!

Otherwise I would say that the risk to get sued literally is zero!

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that’s what i believe too but i still can’t/ wouldn’t sign a doc that legally binds me to something. i wouldn’t feel comfortable talking about blizzard after signing it.
tho i’d love to work at blizzard and would sign lots of docs for it but wouldn’t do it just for a community server xd

I am genuinely surprised you believe that this contract is about giving Blizzard the ability to sue individuals or that that is even something desirable to them. that they’d even pursue it.

Because it’s written?

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According to you, you don’t believe it

Well you keep flip flopping

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Why are you insisting on word “comment” which i didn’t even use in my original post.

What if member makes youtube video with a lot of views? random comment in some chat room and youtube video is not the same.

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apparently it’s wrong for some people to be careful about our legal rights and responsibilites lol .


At no point have I said that.