[UPDATED] Mage and Paladin Tuning Incoming - 19 July

no wonder. if there is a tank immortal and even a dd can offheal at the level. and almost every mechanic can be ignored.
but great story… not!

and now go get 3k and tell us jokes about how you always have enough mana.

Show us where the bad man at Blizz touched you, lil girl.

Oh and link your profile so we can see your awesome rio…

And when, not if I get to 3k. if I’m having issues with mana, I’ll punch my healer…

AHHHH, Now I see. Sershik Holy paladin main. 2.9k rio as healer… 2.1 as tank… Tell you what, wehn you get to 2.5k rio as a tank… Speak. Until then shut up, you must be one of those heals that get carried by a decent tank and dps group huh… Now the changes come in, your worried your real skill level about to be shown…

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And this might even not be enough to get in line Hpally with other healers,imagine how broken they are before this nerfs

Why the dmg decrease was needed for holy paladin, it’s not like we have OP dmg.

Or you want to ruin Avenger’s Crusader? Just remove it from the talent tree then.

Might have just done a 10% healing nerf instead of this. Now Tyr’s will become what? Will see tomorrow, hopefully you didnt manage to ruin 2 amazing talents.

Agree 100% ! So sad, they could have just done a 10% healing nerf, but that talent will become un-used, gg !

Can’t you just buff other healers ?

I don’t need to be OP or something, but I also don’t want to be nerfed dead into the ground, not saying that this IS, but I feel there’s more coming.

same story with rets. clown show i just say

Why these ? :

  • All damage decreased by 12% (what dmg we do more than other healers? Or you want to make Avenger’s Crusader un-useable, since you already removed 1 Crusader’s Strike), since only this nerf IS impacting 1 talent, and thus changing preferred playstyle.
  • Tyr’s Deliverance healing decreased by 15% (what this so OP, that it gets a separate nerf besides the 8% healing nerf?)

Haven’t played Ret much, after the rework I tried it, but it felt too easy and I found it to be quite boring :slight_smile: . So what happened ?

Huge dmg, def cds nerfs each week. and now nobody wants ret in the group.

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Yeah I feel they’ll do that with holy as well, time will tell, first they make you happy with a rework, but flush the toilet it is :wink: .

And I don’t need to be OP, but I also don’t want to be turned into garbage either :slight_smile:

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PLEASE FIX DRAGONFLIGHT LAG NEXT, PLEASE! We’re talking all group content here. Peak time = lag. DF sucks. :triumph:

I do believe that when you nerf of buff a certain spec guys you need to take smaller steps doing so. Numbers like 5, 6 or even 15% most of the times are not good solutions. They are very big changes for any spell and they do not affect the entire playerbase the same way.

Take smaller steps and nerf it/boost it again if needed.

Thanks for reading.

Dunno did a +22 today with a pala tank he could heal just fine tbh, he never actually got dmg not a in a sever way. So it seems people are overreacting again

Tyrs will still be great even better then other talents

That talent is broken as hell yes it was way OP.

Good tanks in 44X ilvl are all kinda the same until 25-26+ pulls aren’t testing / exhausting their capabilities until then so it’s much harder to tell what the hierarchy is.

Worst isn’t a statement of objective value, it’s one of placement. I’d say warrior is still the worst but it doesn’t really matter what you run unless you’re doing title range keys.

Just one question. What about defile? I don’t even talk about rework. We have almost same spells in unholy last few years (except coven and frost talants right now). But with defile we literally can’t see aoe underfoot. Noone else seeing defile, when it’s our only way to do aoe dmg.

Guess what happened after mana nerfs?

Hpalas are the worst healers mana wise, holy priests are the best healers and meta now, most of the games hpala oom very fast.
Solo shuffles in progress, 2mins game holy priest 80% mana left, hpala 25% mana left. Blizzard are you going to nerf holy priests mana by 50% also ? :slight_smile:
Why give hpala tools to return mana when we still oom faster than ALL other healers? :slight_smile:

like i said, prot pala is not bad but it is currently fighting for the last spot as other tanks have surpassed.

just because you are at thr bottom doesnt make it crap though. balance feels not that bad on tanks besides the dmg output lol

and yes, i didnt go oom either on my pala, so i dont know what it is about anyways

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