Thank god for the holy paladin nerf. Now I can FINALLY log in and play the game.
If your off healing is using so much mana to OOm you, I’d suggest getting a real healer in your group or find out where your defensive abilities are…
Why should Paladins heals be free for self? No one else’s are.
brew masters self heal is free
bear self heal is free
prot palas self heal WAS free
vdh is basically free - just uses normal resource that you get anyways
bdk is just different in all ways
Dispels cost a lot of mana, as well as blessings etc. It’s not just about healing.
And as was shown above me, your post is wrong in just about every area. Pala heals cost holy power, just like yours cost runic power.
Holy paladins played well never had mana issues…
I will have to log in later to check, as I never really looked at what the cost of Expel Harm is.
Even if it does not use energy it is worthless without having orbs to absorb with it.
On bear self heal I assume you mean Enraged Regen? Last I checked it has a rage cost, and it is also on a charge system. But I will double check this when I get home from work.
good joke. do you play paladin at all???
it works only with aug und spriest btw.
it has energy cost but you never run out of energy anyways.
and I also don’t really ever run out of orbs.
well, bear has several ways of selfhealing now.
frenzied regen
they all don’t really cost resources. Well frenzied regen cost a little rage, but doesn’t matter and during incarn it is free and has no cd either.
anyways, all tanks are basically selfsufficient. Before pala tank was a god, but now it is almost the worst tank from selfhealing, which is kinda funny
If it has a cost it is not free is what my post was aiming for. It gives the wrong impression to people who do not have an insight on the specs themselves.
Negligible cost is a better way to describe it.
I will have to ask my co-tank in raids how it feels after the changes, as he is using off heals in raids when it is needed, but so far he did not complain about mana constrains.
If it does impede self healing that much they can just change it that it refunds X amount of mana if the tank casts it on themself.
I am also unsure why people are just realizing now how strong prot paladin off-healing was. This has been the case since Legion, but back then it was not needed that much because healers were stupid strong as well.
if the cost doesn’t matter like at all it might as well be free, no need to die on a hill here because of this.
point is, prot palas heal was also not free before. In fact, besides blood dk, it has the highest cost of resource, now it also cost mana on top of it.
it is only free of resource (hp) if you used SoR 4 times.
well anyways i let it rest now
(Does not apply to PvP Combat)???
Where is the tag? why must mages suffer in PvP???
Instead of engaging with mana regen talents I have decided to engage with the unsub button. Holy pala was garbage in pvp the whole expansion, I’m too old to play this nerf/buff game anymore.
Damn need to push while I can with bear I fear next week bear will be butchered.
same. its like with ret changes. clown show!
Unholy stable last few years. Even any of your abilities hide all aoe underfoot, blizzard never change it.
Problem with mage in PvP is everyone has so much utility and gap closers that you can’t bloody play it, so there’s just about a hundred different buffs to mages to offset this.
Either way I’m not planning on playing mage PvP again until I can actually keybind it without getting hand cramps. The number of frost binds is absurd and very much not enjoyable.
I am sorry, what? You are literally doing just that.
Avenging Crusader heals based on damage. That means if you nerf the overall healing by 8%, you nerf Avenging Wrath by 8%. But since Avenging Crusader heals based on damage dealt, this also nerfs the healing by additional 12%. Meaning Avenging Crusader heals now 20% less due to the additional 8% being subtracted from the overall healing.
As an example from Ingame UI numbers. My Crusader Strike deals 14.270 dmg. My Judgement deals 15.220 dmg. My Hammer of Wrath (2 charges) deal 21.983 dmg.
That means:
- CS 14.270 - 12% = 12.557,6 dmg
- Judgement 15.220 - 12% = 13.394,6 dmg
- Hammer of Wrath 21.983 (*2) - 12% = 38.690,08 dmg (using both charges)
Now, Avenging Crusader heals 360% of that dealt damage with certain abilities in summary, meaning:
- CS 12.557,6 * 3.6 = 45.207,36 HP (51.372 HP pre-nerf)
- Judgement 13.394,6 * 3.6 = 48.220,56 HP (54.792 HP pre-nerf)
- Hammer of Wrath (2 charges) 38.690,08 * 3,6 = 139.284,2 HP (158.277,6 HP pre-nerf)
And now we apply the overall 8% nerf for healing on Holy Paladin too. That makes:
- CS 45.207,36 HP → 41.590,77 HP (51.372HP pre-nerf)
- Judgement 48.220,56 HP → 44.362,92 HP (54.792 HP pre-nerf)
- Hammer of Wrath 139.284,2 HP → 129.221,464 HP (158.277,6 HP pre-nerf)
Edit 2: In summary all healing numbers of Avenging Crusader after using all available abilities once (best case scenario)
Before: 264.441,6 Healing | Across 3 targets = 88.147,2 HP
After: 215.175,15 Healing | Across 3 targets = 71.725,05 HP
Difference: 16.422,15 HP (22% difference even ~ 88.147,2 / 71.725,05 = 1,228… )
You are literally negative affecting the Avenging Crusader playstyle by an exclusive 20% nerf, compared to all other HP healing abilities (Tyr’s deliverance aside, that one would be 22% in theory). Unless the nerfs don’t stack, this will be a huge blow to Avenging Crusader as a healing method simply because you are nerfing it exclusively by a borderline 20% (1/5 of its current performance), making “Avenging Wrath: Might” automatically a more favorable option because it remains untouched by the nerf.
I don’t think that is a good idea. Either make Avenging Crusader separated from the applied nerfs or compensate it by buffing the 360% up to 368% to nullify the overall healing nerf, since the damage nerf is already doing that.
Edit: Fixed some typos.
I do… It also has 2,5k rating even though it’s an alt. It also has zero issues with mana, either as a tank or Ret.
New joke, your reply.
Prot pala is a long way from being the worst… Go play one with half a brain and you will see… SO many insta crybabies these days who are totally clueless.
Again, if you are actually managing to go out of OOM on a Prot pala… I seriously recommend you delete your toon. as you have zero idea about the class or spec. Theres a reason you take a healer and have defensive CD’s…
Getting all wet about mana cost is signalling, you are bad as a prot palla.
Not that i care too much about those % changes here or there. But getting full time reworks of my spec is getting pretty annoying.
We had a full rework going from bfa into SL with Holy Power, etc. A full rework into DF because of talent trees. Halfway s1 a rework because of ret rework. Now halfway a season a full holy rework again. Like wtf is blizz idea? Let me learn and play my spec for some time please.