[Updated] Upcoming Hunter Buffs for July 13th / 14th

Where does BM being “bad” actually come into play ? is it RWF, Mythic Raid progress and high high keys ?

'cos I out-dps almost every single person I group up with lol Fire Mage is the only class I can’t overtake if we’re similar ilvl and both decent enough players.

Constantly do 1.5m+ more damage than the next person in keys.

Truthfully, at lower levels imho, BM is busted lol massive damage for literally keeping up frenzy and beast cleave :sweat_smile:

Speak for yourself but for me personally, 15% is big feelsgoodman!

You don’t need to schedule your time to log in and ask people in guild chat to run a key. The irony in saying I can’t read >.>

Complaining about meta perception in pugs is just pointless, complaining about it won’t fix it, you yourself can fix it with friends/guilds/making own key.

Just wow :smiley: Your magical guild where everyone is online all the time must be great. Doesn’t matter to talk to you seems like everything is going way above your head :roll_eyes:

You don’t play with good players, this is pretty common. BM is fairly simple.
So let’s say the average player can play BM at 90% capacity, but boomkin at 60%.

BM is obviously gonna look better. Get two high level mythic raiders and the BM gets clapped.

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But you think meta classes just get invited instantly the second they apply to any group ever? If you want to have an easy time getting into runs then communities and guilds are the way to go.

Getting into a community/guild and/or running with friends will always be easier than pugging. Finding the right fit takes more effort than complaining so I guess it’s easier to do just that, it won’t actually get you anywhere though.

Sorry then i’ll stop providing solutions, guess you’d rather just sit on bnet forums complaining about meta/community perception on a level 10 character as if that will somehow help you

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Much appreciated buff.

I wouldn’t have said MM felt bad in m+ so far but it felt awkward.

The pretty bad potency conduit slot made a lot of classes catch up in m+ compared to before, and this tyranical week single target DPS was way low for bosses.

I really appreciate the buffs but just to point out that this was an average ST buff but massive AOE buff which might make m+ super easy.
With increased AiS, multishot and rapid fire damage, AOE gets about 15% damage boost( some conduits increase in power as well.

On separate note kill shot damage boost would boost Venthyr up a lot would it not?
15% kill shot damage boost would increase Venthyr output by about 9% compared to previous covenant ability output.

Only stingeris math could somehow come to the conclusion that a few abilities getting 10% damage increases would be a 15% damage increase, lol

BM is supreme dung for m+ HIGH KEYS, however its more than good enough for KSM.

i normally do 7-9k dps atm overall at end of dungeons. there are classes doing 10-12k that ive seen. so :p… u take 12k? or 7k??

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To be exact, aimed shot into trick shots passive will deal 10% extra damage to main target and 5x 55% of aimed shots damage from trick shots which will lead from (100% +(555%)=375% of aimed shots damage to new (110+5(55*1.1=60.5%) which is 325+110=435%) so 116% damage based from previous unbuffed state.
It increases futher with trick shots conduit.
Now multishot and other abilities will lower that 16% AOE buff but with trick shots conduit we can see up to a 15% damage increase in AOE, depending if you used volley to the maximum to get 3 uses of trick shots from volley and such.

Kyrian who use surging shots legendary and rapid fire damage talent will see even bigger aoe increase as even more modifiers are added.

Just as you don’t bother to count does not mean others do not.

Now add multi shot but and you will see how that can be a a 15% AOE buff.

Bro…come on.

If you increased all damage by 10% on all abilities, it would be a 10% AoE damage increase. That’s pretty simple surely.

But it’s not all abilities, it’s just a few. So how can that number be bigger than 10%? You are acting like conduits change it, they don’t, we used them before, we use them after.

Thank god we have sims and don’t need to rely on your truly miles off math though.

4 targets 5 mins = ~6.5% increase.
5 targets 40 seconds = ~6% increase.
Can sim any other scenario if you like.

It’s ok bro, you were only off by 2.5x the actual value :rofl:

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Ok you simmed with wild spirits, and full cooldowns.
I did it based on m+ individual scenarios.
Please sim a fight withouth wild spirits and you will see exact values.
We don’t have WS explosive shot and volley for every individual fight do we?
That’s why I said it’s up to 15% increased AOE.
You seem to have missed ‘up to’ 15%.

The less cooldowns we have the more of a buff it is.

It’s the biggest buff to when we use ST talents like careful aim and LnL, which isn’t our standard mythic + rotation as in that build aimed shot and rapid fire deal biggest part of some damage.

Also 10% buff to few abilities might lead to more than 10% buff to overall AOE or ST damage.
If we buff say agony which increases damage over time, end result would be more than 10% buff as it scales from base value.

Also in this is bigger % AOE increase to kyrian and korayn, compared to niya.

…I simmed a 5 min fight.

Not a single scenario this buff is over 10%. It cannot be.

There is no way you can logically think this.

Yep, and the buff is 6.5% single target or so. So how do you explain it suddenly being a 15% increase on AoE? it literally can’t be.


Yet again this is completely false. a 10% buff to agony would buff it by 10% at every stack, leading to, you guess it, a 10% overall increase on agony.

It’s UNREAL how bad your math is, I mean like infant school level stuff right now.

If you want to prove me wrong, link me a sim with a 15% damage increase at literally any number of targets/duration.

Not really sure where you’re getting your information from but I’m going to assume you made it up…BM is already ahead of MM in every single encounter in SoD (Both boss damage and overall output) according to Logs…


all the new raid gear is stacked with haste and you just got a bigger buff…this sounds like nothing but a pointless whine. BM is looking fine. Why do people who play the easiest spec in the game always want more more more?

Bm didn’t get a bigger buff. If anything, MM’s buff is slightly larger. Usually BMs damage drops slightly from week 1 though, it’s a very easy spec to play on new fights and as people get even a tiny bit more comfortable with them it drops to where it should be.

They got a 5% bigger buff to base damage than MM did…just a fact…they are also far less impacted by movement (No Aimed Shot)…BM is looking good at the start of this tier and will only get better. Even Survival is far outstripping MM at present in a lot of fights and yet here you are whining your easy spec is worse than it is.

Also if you increased 10% aura increase it would result to more than 10% increase due to synergies between skills. Expecialy some hitting ones.

Same example, aimed shot hitting trick shots would deal 16% higher damage post buff compared to pre buff. While the actual buff is 10% it should deal (100+(5*55))1.1=402.5 if it is according what you say.
The real value however is with base value increase 110+((5
60.5) which will be 412.5, which will lead to higher than 10% increase. That ofcourse would only show to that individual ability.

Now about reaching 15%, it actually can, with higher aimed shot value trick shots conduit gains more value than 10% as well. Not much over 10% but still over 10%.

Try to aim same as korayn and as kyrian and you will see it can lead to 10% or in fights withouth cooldowns to more than 10% increase.

Yes, to a far smaller % of their overall damage. MM got a 10% buff to 60% of their kit = BM getting 15% to 40% of their kit. BM gains less AoE from the buff compared to MM too.

All of this is still completely incorrect. You are more than welcome to link me a sim showing me this but we both know you can’t.

I just simmed kyrian on AoE, and it was a 7% increase. You are absolutely miles off no matter how you look at it. Surely at that point you have to start questioning your own thinking and realise just how incorrect it is.

Dear god…ok mate your specs trash…reroll and do us all a favour…warning though most other classes have more buttons.