[Updated] Upcoming Hunter Buffs for July 13th / 14th

I am not saying it would lead to a 15% increase over a dungeon or a long fight. O am saying it could go towards 15% in a specific fight.
Just like how wild spirits nerf previously on a single pull could need damage as high as 10+% on a short pull while being much smaller nerf overall, this could lead some scenarios to upwards 10% buff due to synergies.

if aimed shot does 1000 damage, the cleave does 550 damage.
If aimed shot does 1100 damage, the cleave does 605 damage.

It doesn’t matter, the cleave gains 10%.

Could you give me that specific fight so that I can sim it and prove to you that you need to rethink. Thanks.

Actually I did calculations properly and 15% is nonsense.
I’d could reach over 10% in scenarios where DT was used as kyrian with surging shots Lego , with only multi shot into rapid fire used, into multi shot into aimed shot. With RA used, but even then, master marksman dot auto shot and all drags it down to below 10%.

If only counting increase from trick shots and various multipliers( on rapid fire or aimed shot) it does reach over 10% but other skills drag it towards and below 10%.

Actually my mistake as I only took part of the fight into equation.

Even though you’ve admitted that it was wrong, you are still hanging on to a thread of your previous post which is also wrong >.>

The buff cannot possibly exceed 10% in any situation ever.

I just simmed your situation, with no spells other than those buffed by 10%, and it’s a SHOCK HORROR 10% increase, which will of course only ever get lower and lower when you start adding in all the spells/effects which were not buffed.

You don’t need to account for multipliers, because things like deadly chain and trick shots just flat out gain 10% value as well. The only thing that matters is the input aimed shot damage, anything that comes out is just going to be 10% higher.

True, to be honest my first calculation was incorrect and halfway the argument, I realised that I based whole calculation on wrong data, just had trouble agreeing to me being wrong but yes you are right.

I’m just surprised it is only 7% some buff for Kyrian, as they have smaller % of damage from their covenant cd, which actually boosts normal damage done, and not deal damage itself.

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You are a lvl 10 Shammy, your opinion is irrelevant.

Fair enough, I see your point :stuck_out_tongue:

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