Updating Torghast this Week

I almost like this response but I’m giving it a like anyway. Last few sentences are ridiculous.

I really don’t care what you think , and luckily Blizzard does not share your opinions.

Yeah the patchwerk thing is hyperbole, no more hyperbole than being told to git good because you don’t like something though.

i do agree to a point. There is RNG in powers you get, and there is a difference on witch class/spec you play, but you do need to have skill and knowledge of your class/spec.

I think people who are looking for that extra challenge are in the wrong place if they think they should have it on mandatory areas like Torghast’s normal floors. I am willing to bet what they really want is Twisting Corridors, and I’m hoping it’ll deliver on the challenge part.


Seeing as they nerfed layer 8, they’ll nerf twisting corridors as well when people start crying.

Go do hc and mythic raiding.

Torghast isn’t mandatory anyway, right?

Can’t do any raids solo, now can I?

Twisting corridors can be made to be endless, and there are cosmetic rewards and prestage … why would anyone with common sense cry about it being hard … The point is to make it harder, and harder, and harder as you move up …

Other than doing first 8 layers of twisting corridors once to get the Maw mount i probably won’t set foot in there ever again.

They’re not going to do that. It will be 18 floors. 8 layers.

People who are not good enough to clear it and get the rewards will cry.

I have read through this post and in general most people from most classes felt it was difficult but doable…

I hope anyone who wanted nerfs knows they basically removed a challenge from the game and basically only could succeed because the game had to tie its hands behind its back xD

Same people who play dark souls with hacks, and feel like they beat the game

It’s an mmo? Get a group? Wasn’t this what you and your BFF was telling us?

And my personal favourite, youre not doing world firsts, you dont need this stuff. Well all you’re doing is mid mythic keys… you’ll be fine

And I’ll sleep like a baby. :slight_smile:

I’m not the one complaining about not being able to clear content. That’s others.

Oh yeah, because having to play at specific times sure is fun. :roll_eyes:

If I could log on and have a mythic raid when I want to play a mythic raid, I would do it. But that’s not the case. With torghast I could log in and do it when I wanted to. To raid mythic, I first need a guild and then they’ll raid at a set time, not whenever I want to do the content.

I am sure the age gap isn’t too far either :slight_smile: so good for you

Welcome to my world… may suggest sir a nice wine

@Kaivax oi you dumb idiot, can you address legitimate issues instead of listing changes?

What does

“Fixed an issue where the Bursting Affix was not inflicting an appropriate amount of damage for Shadowlands Mythic dungeons” mean?

Bursting was always a trash affix, and I thought it would be bearable in this expansion, are you going to destroy M+, the only fun content post torghast nerf?

Cheers. Have a nice day xxx

Oh shall we rewind forums to 8.3 :stuck_out_tongue:

I only complained about how rage inducing the rings in visions were, mostly when they closed your path off and how bad people were at playing the game(I still do that btw, people who can’t walk a straight line should not be in a dungeon). Not that I was unable to clear content because it was too difficult.