Updating Torghast this Week

I didn’t want the nerf… all I wanted was shorter rooms :frowning: I like challenges, but not when they last for hours… gotta go to work man… :frowning:


“I got nothing good to contribute but have done so myself. I should not think of others.” - Ela 1.0

Yeah, I should just let people lie or exaggerate about how long it actually takes to clear it.

The other option is that they’re not actually aware of how much time they spent in there. Even with me cooking food and eating it while doing a run, it didn’t take 3 hours to clear both wings.


No, You just need to accept there’s issues. Hench blizzard is nerfing stuff.

So my point still stands. You’re still narrowminded. Allready told you and your hubby once, you both are pretending to be the gladd of WoW, whats worse about is he does his challanges on Destiny not really shoving his bragging stufff into topics like you do.

Firstly, healers have an easier time in Torghast than DPS.
Secondly, I know of many DPS who would love to have a healer in their group. It’s far more effective, far faster, and far more fun!

Yes, and each of them takes 45 minutes. In fact it might’ve been less, I know I got 3 bloodlusts off and used it almost on cooldown. Almost, but not quite.

Well I did it last night, and I also did it the day before which was pre-nerf, though to be fair that was a layer 7, not 8.

Speak plainly then.

Nice changes, i has no problems with Thorgast beside the long time it took!

More nerfs arent need it, than its just a waste of time, not fun to crush everything with 2 spells:)

Good changes overall!

You think blizzard done this because the forums? How sweet. Blizzard done this because they had the data on torghast participants and how many cleared it, of which specs and ilvl they were.

Should’ve been more levels open and impossible layers at start. Now when they open up a new one every week people get expectation to be able to clear it. If it was obvious that not even the best players could clear the hardest layers it would be more accepted to not complete all of it. Now they need to nerf it so everyone can complete it and it make the content underwhelming for anyone who want a challenge. Oh hello island expedition and warfront again…

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What you wrote would make sense if heavy rng is not involved.

Long difficult run without rng = fine
Short rng involving run = fine
Long and rng = hell no ,it’s just stupid

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I see this week Upper and Fra have less rooms and coridors and it is awesome compered to last week,also the increase in mob HP is an awful affix.Took me 15 min on L6 pre nerff now its around 9 min as ele shaman 188ilvl,it is still challenging on hard classes and specks wich is good.But as prot pala 188ilvl L8 is a cake walk.

Doesn’t have to be a long run if he plays within his limits and does a 3 or something. Then rng doesn’t matter.

That’s fair but Torghast level 8 is literally the highest difficulty level that’ll be available this season, which means that it was intended to be doable for highly geared and skilled people. I wouldn’t have nerfed it even if it was 0.5%, and it was definitely more than that.

The difficulty seems just right now.

Yesterday i tried Layer 8 for almost hour and a half . I lost my last life on 5th floor because i was really tired. I think i could have done it , but it took loads of patience just to get to floor 5 , and after an hour of intense Los , and waiting on major cooldowns to be rdy for every rare, i was really tiresome. I just didn’t want to go again soon …

Today i did both Layer 8 in aprox 1 hour. And this is fine. I don’t mind doing it on a weekly bases.

I don’t care about Torgast, i just want to finish it for Soulash, and i don’t want to spend hours and hours every week to cap Soul ash …

And as for you whiners that say that it is so easy now, and that they should not have changed it … You will have your endless corridors , and you can go nuts in there.

I think it was over nerfed. I never complained about the difficulty, I complained about it be boring and that when I bought wow i didn’t buy a roguelike. Truth is, torghast could have been really fun, if they put the difficulty in to tactical fights rather than slabs of meat that were all just dps checks. The people who found it fun should go play classic and do patchwerk over and over.

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Before the nerf i really had an issue that every fight was a dps check to kill it before they get stacks … This was really annoying especially at the beginning when you don’t have any good powers …

GuYs BliZzArD aRe FoRcInG mE tO hEroIc RaId bEcAusE it DrOps 213 gEar

So pretty much how mages felt for the entirety of horrific visions while DH could cheese it?

Honestly noobs should just get better or suck up the fact that you won’t get as much soul ash as other classes. The nerfs should be reverted.


Noobs? I think you’ll find I’ve spent more time in the toilet in the lions pride Inn than you have playing the game. You’ve never finished a raid, or anything note worthy. Get over yourself.

There is no good and bad player in TG ,it’s enemy with stacking buffs vs you and anima rng . Zero mechanics zero challenge.